Meeting Minutes
March 15, 2002
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SSRLUO Minutes
Agenda - Open Session (All Interested SSRL Users Invited)
10:30am | Welcome/Identify "Walk-In Issues"/Update on SSRLUO EC
Activities (Corwin Booth) |
10:40am | Representing SSRL Users Interests to Funding
Sources (Paul Foster) |
10:50am | Feedback from Oct. 18-19, 2001 Users' Meeting and Plans for
Oct. 7-9, 2002 Users' Meeting (Corwin Booth/Uwe Bergmann) |
11:00am | Report by the SSRLUO EC Subcommittee on Impact of SPEAR3 on
SSRL Users (Corwin Booth) |
11:10am | SSRL Update (Keith Hodgson)
- SPEAR3 Status (Construction, Funding)
- Housing Update
11:30am |
SSRL Beam Line Development (Tom Rabedeau)
Status of new monochromators and other equipment installations
- Schedule for BL Upgrades
11:50am | Questions and Discussion |
12:10pm | Walk-In Issues/Other Business |
12:30pm | Adjourn |
Welcome Remarks
- Corwin Booth, SSRLUO-EC Chair, called the meeting to order at 10:30 am.
No walk-in issues were identified.
Representing Users Interests to Funding Sources
- Uwe Bergmann reported that he attended a meeting in DC on March 4-5
with representatives from the DOE and the 4 DOE supported SR facilities. Uwe
reported that Pat Dehmer presented an early look at the budget and Pedro
Montano discussed a shift in strategy to support increased funding for beam
line support staff.
- Keith Hodgson mentioned that DOE seemed to be moving towards the SSRL
model, which has assigned staff to various beam lines but could benefit from
more staff resources - particularly after SPEAR3 which will provide and require
more complexity, more sophisticated optics, etc. Keith mentioned that the ESRF
model of several scientists per beam line was the most efficient, and that SSRL
would like to move towards the goal of at least 1 dedicated scientist per beam
- Uwe requested additional information on the number of users
accommodated and not accommodated, including a breakdown of users from industry
and from each state. He reported that there may still be some opportunity to
provide input for SR facilities, if done by early April. An important message
would be support for the President's budget which included a line item for
- Uwe mentioned that an industry lobby group, ASTRA (Alliance for Science
and Technology in America) gave a presentation on how they might work with SR
users for increased visibility and support. This group has representatives in
DC year long, and this might be a way to piggyback their efforts with light
source activities, particularly as they relate to industry users who may
already be members of ASTRA, such as IBM, Lucent, Chiron, etc. These industry
users could be asked to work with ASTRA for the light sources. Uwe asked for
SSRL's help in identifying exciting research and collecting data on the number
of users accommodated and not accommodated due to oversubscribed beam lines.
- Paul Foster emphasized the importance of users contacting their
representatives to let them know how important this facility is to their
research. Corwin and Uwe asked for a volunteer to follow up with personal
contact to representatives and to users who may be encouraged to contact their
respective representatives. Jane DeWitt volunteered to lead this effort. SSRL
agreed to provide a list of appropriations committee members and users from
states represented by people on the appropriations committee. It was
reiterated that the message could be as simple as asking for support for the
President's budget.
- Another visit to DC by the SR representatives has been scheduled for
April 17-18. Corwin and Uwe plan to participate.
- Keith gave a general overview of SSRL activities, including an update
on the user lodging facility, west area beam line enclosure (added 6,000 sf of
ground floor space for additional beam lines), LCLS ($6 M line item in
President's budget for LCLS project engineering and design). Using existing
infrastructure, SPPS is a new opportunity for short pulse picosecond studies
which could begin as early as November/December. Although this is not a general
user facility, Keith would appreciate hearing from users who have interest and
expertise in this area to possibly help with diagnostics and commissioning.
Impact of SPEAR3 on SSRL Users
- Corwin started the discussion by noting that the shutdown is quickly
approaching and that a primary concern of the EC was to ensure that users were
informed about the potential impact. A questionnaire was developed and
circulated to users in late February; 24 responses were received. These were
tabulated and distributed at the meeting (15 were from XAS users; 9 from
crystallography users). The results of this survey as well as a casual poll of
users as they check in indicates that most users are now aware of the shutdown
and that they are making alternate arrangements from April 2003-January 2004.
- In order to assist users, Piero Pianetta, Britt Hedman, and others will
work on developing a list of beam lines at other facilities that are comparable
to SSRL beam lines.
- Uwe asked about the possibility of sending staff and equipment to other
facilities during the shutdown to support SSRL users, which when it was done in
the past was viewed as a significant benefit that was very much appreciated by
- Keith mentioned that he had recently had a meeting with the directors
of APS, NSLS, and ALS. All agreed in principle to the idea of assisting SSRL
users, but added that proposals and scheduling are handled differently at other
facilities and not centrally as at SSRL. In the past, SSRL worked out some
arrangements with other facilities to honor SSRL proposals for a specific
amount of beam time on specific beam lines. SSRL also sent equipment and staff
to set up and support SSRL users during those times. A key component for these
exchanges was that there was available time on these other beam lines and that
regular users of these other facilities were not displaced.
- Keith noted that sending some equipment would be straightforward (e.g.,
cryostat) but that some equipment required significant overhead to set up and
one had to evaluate the potential damage risk in transporting sensitive
equipment back and forth. This may only be practical if significant amounts of
contiguous beam time were allotted at other facilities.
- A question was raised about what special circumstances might arise that
would warrant priority status for beam time during this period. The group
agreed that graduate students who need to complete thesis should be given
- Tom Rabedeau reported that new SPEAR3 compatible LN monochromators had
already been installed on BL's 11-2, 9-3, 10-2. The new mono for BL6-2 is
scheduled for installation in April; however, due to procurement and shipping
issues, multilayers will not be available until the Fall.
- Tom reported that significant concrete shielding work for the SPEAR
tunnel was scheduled in June and that this would close BL5 early (BL5-2/3 not
available after 6/3; BL5-4 not available after 6/17). Due to the installation
of a new monochromator in the Fall, BL5-2 will not be available for users until
after SPEAR3 (except for the possibility of commissioning).
A priority of the beam line development group is to have all front ends
500 mA compatible when SPEAR3 turns on. Front ends include isolation valves and
all other components related to isolating radiation and vacuum from the SPEAR
storage ring. Another goal is to have the insertion device beam lines 500 mA
compatible as quickly as possible; consequently, BL5, BL6, BL9, BL10, and BL11
are scheduled to be ready in January 2004, when user commissioning and
operations are expected to resume. We anticipate that BL7 will be 500 mA
compatible around June 2004. BL4 will still require extensive work and
resources, so this beam line may not be 500 mA compatible until 2006. In the
interim, we plan to accommodate the small angle scattering users on BL6-2.
Bending magnet beam lines (BL1, BL2, BL3, and BL8) will require additional work
to be fully compatible with SPEAR3. All of these activities are resource
driven, so these plans could be accelerated or delayed depending on the
availability of funding.
- Corwin raised concern about the plans for BL4 and BL2, and the
potential impact of spillover on other beam lines.
- Tom reported that SSRL is pursuing technical options that will allow us
to operate these beam lines prior to their SPEAR3 upgrade.
- Tom also reported that there may be an opportunity to expedite this
schedule with parallel fabrication, if, for example, an additional $500K were
received in each of the next 5 years, the schedule to complete BL4 could be
shortened by 1 year.
- A suggestion was made to get this message to the users and to the DOE
(Pat Dehmer and Pedro Montano).
- All attendees except the SSRLUO-EC members left the meeting when the
closed session was announced. There were no closed session agenda items, but
there was a brief conversation on how to effectively follow up on the issues
discussed at todays meeting.
- Feedback and ideas for the next users meeting, which has been scheduled
on October 7-8, were also discussed. Uwe Bergmann and John Pople will co-chair
this meeting. There will also be a SLAC 40th anniversary celebration scheduled
around the same time (tentatively scheduled on 10/8/02 or 10/09/02 depending on
the availability of key speakers).
- Corwin and Uwe suggested scheduling meetings within the next 2 weeks to
follow up on SPEAR3 impact, the next users' meeting, and funding issues.
ACTION: Cathy Knotts arranged 2 meetings on March 25th. A meeting with Keith to
discuss funding will be scheduled shortly.
- The meeting adjourned at approximately 12:30 pm.