ice, each water molecule is surrounding by 4 other molecules in
a tetrahedral arrangement (left). The ne
w result on liquid water
shows that the molecules are connected only with 2 others. This
implies that most molecules are arranged in strongly hydrogen bonded
rings (middle) or chains (right) embedded in a disordered cluster
network connected mainly by weak hydrogen bonds. The oxygen atoms
are red and the hydrogen atoms grey in the water (H2O) molecules.
hi-res version of image
Water is the key compound for our existence on this planet and it is involved
in nearly all biological, geological and chemical processes. Knowledge about
the hydrogen-bonded network structure in water is essential for understanding
its unusual chemical and physical properties. In its condensed pha
se, ice
(Ih) e.g., each water molecule is coordinated by four others in a semi tetrahedral
arrangement forming an ordered crystal structure. In contrast, in liquid
water a statistical distribution of different coordinations can be assumed
due to the dynamical motion of the atoms causing the H-bonds to break and
reform on a picosecond (ps)-time scale. The present experimental information
relies largely on neutron and x-ray diffraction data, providing radial dis
functions, and have the inherent characteristic of averaging interatomic
distances over all directions. Due to this lack of information about angular
correlations a unique experimental determination of local arrangements is
not possible. A different approach to determine molecular arrangements is
to probe how chemical bonding perturbs the local valence electronic structure.
Wernet et al. [Science Express Reports, 10.112
6/science.1096205 (2004)]
studied the first hydration shell of a water molecule in bulk liquid water
by probing its electronic structure using X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
(XAS) and X-ray Raman Scattering (XRS). From carefully designed experimental
models as well as theoretical spectra simulations, with results contrary
to molecular dynamics simulations, Wernet and coworkers conclude that the
local surrounding of an H2O molecule in liquid water res
that in the topmost layer of ice, i.e., it is characterized by a substantial
number of broken H-bonds. The results of the study shows that water, on
the probed sub-femtosecond time-scale, consists mainly of structures with
two strong hydrogen-bonds, one donating and one accepting, compared to the
four-hydrogen-bonded tetrahedral structure in ice. This implies that most
molecules are arranged in strongly H-bonded chains or rings embedded in
a dis
ordered cluster network connected mainly by weak H-bonds.
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Anders Nilsson