Figure 1.
Fundamental biochemical reduction/oxidation processes involving methionine
(MetS) sidechains. Structures shown to indicate amino acid within a peptide
chain. [O] indicates an oxidative source (e.g. H2O2) and
MSR refers to methionine sulfoxide reductase. (Image: Pierre Kennepohl)
Figure 2.
Schematic representation of the human eye indicating the location of the
crystalline lens, whose transparency is compromised due to oxidation and
subsequent aggregation of lens proteins, including
a-crystallin. (Image source:
National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health)
Numerous diseases, as well as aging itself, are linked to uncontrolled
oxidative processes that lead to irreversible damage and ultimately death.
Defining and understanding these processes is one of the keys that may yet lead
us to stop and possibly even reverse oxidative damage and thus effectively
prevent and/or treat a wide range conditions. Oxidative damage to proteins has
been studied quite extensively over the last decade and it has become clear
that certain amino acids are more susceptible to oxidation than others.
Notably, methionine (MetS) is remarkably susceptible to oxygenation to its
sulfoxide form (MetSO). Under certain circumstances, this process is used in
signalling and other normal biological function; a family of enzymes known as
methionine sulfoxide reductases (MSRs) can reduce MetSO back to MetS (Fig 1).
However, if this dynamic oxidation/reduction cycle is disrupted, or if it
occurs where MSRs are unavailable, a build up of MetSO could ensue with
negative consequences. In addition, under even more aggressive conditions,
MetSO can be further oxygenated to its sulfone (MetSO2), for which
enzymatic reduction is not believed to be feasible. An example where MetS
oxidation is believed to play an important role is in age-related cataracts
where a-crystallin, the most abundant protein in the
eye lens (Fig 2), aggregates and causes a marked decrease in the transparency
of the lens - eventually leadings to blindness. These protein aggregates show
signs of oxidative damage, especially oxidized forms of MetS. Long-term UV
light exposure has shown to increase oxidation of a-crystallin most notably at
methionine residues. This basic information led Anusha Karunakaran-Datt and her
doctoral advisor, Pierre Kennepohl at the University of British Columbia, to
investigate the inherent photochemistry that is postulated to drive MetS
oxidation in a-crystallin. Using sulfur K-edge X-ray
absorption spectroscopy (XAS) to highlight redox changes occurring at the
sulfur atom of methionine, they observed that visible-light photochemical
processes can lead both to harmful oxidative processes (forming MetSO and
MetSO2) as has generally been suspected, but also to photoreductive
processes that allow MetSO to return to its native MetS form (Fig 3). As noted
in their recent publication detailing their findings, the relative importance
of the photooxidative and photoreductive processes is directly linked to the
presence (or absence) of dioxygen (O2).
Figure 3.
Sulfur K-edge XAS data for visible light (75W Xe arc lamp) in situ
photoexcitation of MetSO indicating photoconversion of MetSO to MetS and
MetSO2 under aerobic conditions (left) and MetS under anaerobic
conditions (right). (Image: Pierre Kennepohl)
Under normal conditions, the crystalline lens is essentially anaerobic (free of
O2), thus ensuring that oxidative damage can be reversed when our
eyes our exposed to light. However, levels of O2 in the lens are
believed to increase with age, allowing the negative oxidation processes to
take over, thus creating the conditions that allow for formation of age-related
cataracts. These studies therefore suggest that an important aspect of
preventing age-related cataracts likely rests in exploring and controlling the
permeability of the crystalline lens towards dioxygen. Current efforts are
focused on exploring the detailed mechanisms of the observed photoreductive and
photooxidative processes, as well as defining the energy profile of the
observed photochemistry.
Primary Citation
A Karunakaran-Datt and P Kennepohl, "Redox Photochemistry of Methionine by
Sulfur K-edge X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy: Potential Implications for
Cataract Formation", J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131(10), 3577-3582 (2009).
Further Readings
For more on the role of protein oxidation in age-related cataracts, see the
following: (a) RJW Truscott, "Age-related nuclear cataract - oxidation is the
key", Exp. Eye Res., 80, 709-725 (2005); (b) DL Williams, "Oxidation,
antioxidants and cataract formation: a literature review", Vet.
Ophthalmol., 9, 292-298 (2006); (c) MJ Davies and RJW Truscott,
"Photo-oxidation of proteins and its role in cataractogenesis", J.
Photochem. Photobiol. B, 63, 114-125 (2001); (d) L Takemoto and CM
Sorensen, "Protein-protein interactions and lens transparency", Exp. Eye
Res., 87, 496-501 (2008).
Details of experimental approach can be obtained from P Kennepohl, E Wasinger,
and S DeBeer George, "X-ray spectroscopic approaches to the investigation and
characterization of photochemical processes", J. Synch. Rad., accepted
for publication.
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SSRL is supported
by the Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences. The SSRL
Structural Molecular Biology Program is supported by the Department of Energy,
Office of Biological and Environmental Research, and by the National Institutes
of Health, National Center for Research Resources, Biomedical Technology
Program, and the National Institute of General Medical Sciences.