Super Oxidized Iron
summary written by Heather Woods, SLAC
Communication Office Núria
Aliaga-Alcalde,1 Serena DeBeer George,2 Bernd
Mienert,1 Eckhard Bill,1 Karl Wieghardt1 and
Frank Neese1 1Max Planck Institut
für Bioanorganische Chemie, Mülheim an der Ruhr, Germany
2Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, SLAC, Stanford
University, Stanford, CA
Iron metals oxidize to rust, losing electrons and gaining positive charge. Iron
metals typically exist in an oxidation state of +2 or +3 (2 or 3 electrons less
than a neutral iron atom). However, chemists have long thought that iron
compounds with even higher oxidation states play important roles in enabling
chemical reactions in metal-containing proteins. In recent years, scientists
have been able to synthesize and characterize numerous iron +4 compounds
[written Fe(IV)], but knew little about iron +5, Fe(V), compounds. Now
researchers, using facilities at SSRL, have characterized a genuine Fe(V)
species, which is even more oxidized and more positively charged than the iron
in rust [Fe(III)] or Fe(IV).
Frank Neese (Muelheim), Karl Wieghardt (Muelheim), Serena DeBeer George (SSRL)
and co-workers, used x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS), combined with other
spectroscopic and computational results, to study the properties of the
compound. Tuned to be sensitive to iron, XAS can provide direct information
about the charge of the iron atom. The XAS "K-edge" corresponds to the
excitation of the most tightly bound electrons in the iron atom. As the iron
atom becomes more oxidized, the energy position of the K-edge increases,
providing a signature for Fe(V). This study represents the first
characterization of an Fe(V) species by XAS and serves as an important
experimental marker for characterization of other Fe(V) species.
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