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Science Highlight
Biological Dynamics
   Dept., LBNL


31 August 2005

  Functional Sites of Biomolecules Sensitive to Damaging

summary written by Heather Rock Woods, SLAC Communication Office

Junko Yano, Jan Kern, Klaus-Dieter Irrgang, Matthew J. Latimer, Uwe Bergmann, Pieter Glatzel, Yulia Pushkar, Jacek Biesiadka, Bernhard Loll, Kenneth Sauer, Johannes Messinger, Athina Zouni and Vittal K. Yachandra


X-rays intended to elucidate the structure of biomolecules may actually damage and alter key parts of the molecules. A research team led by a group from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (in collaboration with researchers from Max-Planck-Institut Mülheim, ESRF, SSRL, and TU Berlin and Freie Universität, Berlin) discovered this while investigating the Mn4Ca complex, a site crucial for splitting water into oxygen during photosynthesis. They were using x-ray absorption spectroscopy to learn about the Mn4Ca structure in crystals of the protein known as photosystem II. They found that the metallo-protein active site, where the water splitting takes place in the protein, had been damaged at certain x-ray doses. In fact, the site had completely changed its structure. This demonstrated that the structural information deduced by using x-ray diffraction is not reliable.

The research suggests that the x-ray dose that can cause such damage to the active site in metallo-proteins—a typical dose for diffraction studies—may be lower than previously believed. However, the new investigation showed that lowering the temperature of the sample and using higher energy x-rays can dramatically reduce damage, thus providing a way for working around the problem.