Level Spectroscopy
Creation and Decay of Core Holes
Spectroscopic Techniques
holes are created by the ionization of a core electron in XPS
and by excitation in XAS
The XPS and XAS final states are highly unstable
and the core hole decays by non-radiant
Auger relaxation (AES)
or by radiant x-ray emission
processes (XES).
XPS and AES probe the unoccupied
electronic stru
cture, while XAS projects the unoccupied
valence states of the system onto a particular
A brief description of the each of the different
spectroscopies illustrated by schematic pictures
of the creation and decay
with data measured for
N2 adsorbed on Ni(100) can be found by scrolling
n or following the links above.
For a more detailed description, please refer
to "Applications of core level spectroscopy to adsorbates,"
Anders Nilsson.
Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related
Phenomena 126 (2002) 3-42.
X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy<
XPS is based on the creation of a core hole via ionization and provides
a method to study the geometric, electronic and chemical properties
of a sample.
In XPS, photons with sufficient energy hn
are absorbed by a system causing core electrons to be ejected from
the samp
le. If the energy of the photons, hn, is
larger than the binding energy of the electron (Eb),
the excess energy is converted to kinetic energy of the emitted photoelectron
(Ek). Knowledge of the incoming photon (hn)
energy and the work function of the spectrometer
and measurement of the kinetic energy via an electron
analyzer makes it possible to calculate the binding energy according
to: Eb = hn +
Ek + f.
Since binding energies of core electrons are characteristic
for elements in a certain chemical environment, XPS allows for a determination
of the atomic compositions of a sample or the chemical state of a
certain element, as well as electronic structure and band structure.
In many cases chemical shifts can be used to draw direct conclusions
on the local coordination in a system and the electronic change upon
This information can be used to distinguish different adsorption sites
of molecules adsorbed on a surface as shown above right in the XPS
spectrum for N2 perpendicularly adsorbed
on a Ni(100) surface. Here two well-separated N 1s peaks are observed
with a chemical shift of 1.3 eV. The peak with the lowest binding
energy, 399.4 eV, corresponds to ionization o
f the outer N atom, whereas
the high binding energy peak at 400.7 eV is due to ionization of the
inner N atom. No such clear splitting is observed in the XAS
below. |
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X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS)
In X-ray Absorption spectroscopy,
a core electron is excited into
unocupied atomic/molecular orbitals above the Fermi level. XAS is divided into two regimes: Near Edge X-ray
Absorption Fine Structure (NEXAFS) for bound states and low energy
resonances in the con
tinuum, and Extended X-ray Absorption Fine
Structure (EXAFS) when the outgoing electron is well above the ionization
continuum. (An excellent reference for NEXAFS by Jo Stohr
can be found at www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/stohr/
). These transitions
are caused by the absorption of an x-ray photon
with energy tuned by means of synchrotron radiation to the ionization
energy of the electron and lead to a pronoun
ced fine structure in the XAS
spectrum.The XA spectra records the absorption
intensity as a function of the incoming photon energy.
The figure at
the center above is a enlarged view of the p-bonding
network obtained with XAS. The total intensity of the spectrum is
given by the number
of unoccupied states in the inital state, while
the spectral shape reflects the density of states for the core hole
state. In
this way XAS provides element-specific information about
the density of states, local
atomic structure, lattice parameters,
molecular orientation, the nature, orientation, and length of chemical
bonds as well as the chemical
state of the sample.
Due the localization of the core hole created
at a certain atom, the unoccupied states are projected on this atom.
In the soft x-ray regime (K-edges of C, N, O), NEXAFS transitions
are governed by dipole selection rules and consequently the absorption
cross-sections show a polarization dependent angular anisotropy.
By means of polarization dependent NEXAFS measurements it is therefore
possible to determine the orientation of molecular adsorbates. Molecular
orientation for N2 adsorbed on Ni (100) obtained using NEXAFS is
illustrated above right.
In systems
with inequivalent atoms of the same
element, the XA spectrum can become complicated due to overlapping
spectral features. The energy separations between these features
are usually small and the shape and intensity of the spectral components
may vary significantly, precluding a straightforward separation.
However, with the help of Auger Electron Spectroscopy
(AES), an XA spectrum can be decompos
ed into its individual
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X-ray Emission Spectroscopy (XES)
X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES) is
a classical technique to study
the electronic structure of bulk samples, for which it is ideally
suited due to the large information depth (roughly 0.1 m for soft
X-rays). In XES the core hole created by an XA
process is filled by the decay of a valence electron into the lower
lying core ho
le and energy is conserved by the emission of an x-ray
photon of matching energy. This technique
can be made surface sensitive through a selective, resonant excitation
of a core-hole state at the atomic center of an adsorbate. Due to
the localization of the core-hole, XES provides a detailed element-specific picture of
the local electronic structure
around a given atomic site with no contribution from the much larger
number of atoms in the substrate. The
emitted radiation is dominated by the decay of valence electrons
from the same atomi
c center. XES therefore probes the occupied valence
states in an atom-specific projection.
In the case
of highly oriented systems, e.g. the case of N2
standing up on Ni(100) shown above, angular- dependent XES enables
the separation of states of different symmetry of the involved orbitals.
An important
consequence is that one can study states of symmetry which result
solely from the chemical bonding. The
maximum x-ray emission is generally found in the direction perpendicular
to the spatial orientation of the involved atomic p-orbitals.
By switching the direction of detection from normal to grazing
orbitals of different spatial orientation are probed. In normal
emission geometry, only valence states of p-symmetry
contribute to the x-ray emission signal, whereas in grazing emission
geometry both p- and s-orbitals
are probed. A simple subtraction procedure reveals s
states only.
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Electron Spectroscopy (AES)
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After a core electron is ejected, the ionized
atom is in a high excited state. In
the Auger process, one electron f
alls from a higher level to fill
an initial core hole in the K-shell and the energy liberated in this
process is simultaneously transferred to a second electron. A fraction
of this energy is required to overcome the binding energy of this
second electron and the remainder is retained by this emitted Auger
electron as kinetic energy. Unlike the one hole final state of XES,
Auger decay leads to a two-hole state under emission of an Auger electron.
In general,
since the initial ionization is non-selective and the init
ial hole
may therefore be in various shells, there will be many possible
Auger transitions for a given element - some weak and some strong
in intensity. Auger Spectroscopy is based upon the measurement of
the kinetic energies of the emitted electrons which are independent of the mechanism of initial core hole
formation. Each
element in a sample will give rise to a characteristic spectrum
of peaks at various kinetic energies. An example can be found above
in the case of N2 adsorbed on Ni (100), where we see separation
of the N 1s XAS 2p resonance for N2/Ni(100) into absorpti
on peaks
from the inner and outer atoms, respectively.
In this way, AES allows not only for a quantitative compositional
analysis of the surface of interest, but provides a tool to separate
the two XA features for the two inequivalent N2 atoms in more detail.
Since the shapes and intensities of these subspectra are not a
priori known this information can not be obtained from a direc
analysis of the absorption spectra.
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Core Spectroscopies Introduction
Creation and Decay of Core Holes |