Helmut Wiedemann at SSRL has completed his two volume publication on Particle Accelerator Physics. In volume II (published in the summer, 1995) discussions of beam dynamics are continued in the realm of nonlinear dynamics, based on Hamiltonian perturbation theory, Vlasov and Fokker Planck equation, electromagnetic interaction of the beam with it's environment, collective effects and beam stability. The theory of synchrotron radiation is derived in detail and applied to radiation characteristics of wiggler and undulator radiation. A section on colliding beam facilities discusses salient features of proton, ion and electron colliding beam storage rings as well as those of linear colliders including beam effects. This textbook compliments Volume I (published in 1993) and is designed for students, scientists and engineers who are interest in the detailed design and developments of particle accelerators. Both volumes have been published by Springer-Verlag.