Vol. 14, No. 3 - September 2013
From the DirectorI am looking forward to meeting with many of you at our LCLS/SSRL Joint Annual Users’ Meeting that takes place this week – October 1-4. This annual event is the highlight of the year, and a valuable opportunity to hear from the Office of Science about their plans for the light sources, for us to disseminate and our user community to learn about the latest plans, new developments and exciting research at SSRL and LCLS. It is also a great time to interact with other scientists, potential colleagues, and vendors of light source related products and services. As you have seen from recent SLAC Today articles by our SLAC Director, Chi-Chang Kao, there are significant plans for the future of the light sources being developed, and we will hear more about that in a few of the talks. This year, the meeting officially begins on October 1 with a large number of one- or two-day workshops. This is followed by Plenary Sessions on October 3 with several keynote talks, presentations from DOE BES and about the D.C. scene, as well as talks from the facility directors. The 4-day event is capped by another few workshops on October 4. We will also honor awardees for their outstanding science and roles in the community - and enjoy a poster blitz that will showcase our role in enabling young scientists to emerge. We look forward to your participation. While the Users’ Meeting takes place, we continue to move forward on our shutdown work with installations of new hardware, upgrades and a range of projects. We are focusing strongly on continued efforts to develop new capabilities and further enhance performance and reliability of the accelerator and beam lines. X-ray/VUV scheduling for the first run period in FY14 is now complete, and we look forward to resuming the buzzing user activity on the SSRL experimental floor soon. Science Highlights
Revealing the Nature of Emergent Ferromagnetism at an Oxide Heterointerface – Contact: Jun-Sik Lee, SSRL Perovskites are mineral oxides with unique properties of great interest to scientists. Many of these materials show remarkable transitions in their behavior. The perovskites lanthanum aluminium oxide (LAO) and strontium titanium oxide (STO), for instance, are insulators. However, when sandwiched together to an LAO/STO heterostructure, the material can conduct electricity at its interface. Researchers can tune conductivity and other emergent properties by doping the perovskites and hope to exploit heterostructures in future industrial applications such as new electronic devices. Read more...
Printing Highly-aligned Single-Crystalline Organic Electronic Thin Films – Contacts: Stefan Mannsfeld, SSRL and Zhenan Bao, Stanford University Organic semiconductor materials have great potential for the development of novel electronic devices. They are abundant, inexpensive, and can be used in transparent, flexible devices. The best performing organic semiconductors are single-crystalline thin films. However, they are difficult to make and their potential use in electronic devices strongly depends on how well the film can be oriented relative to the device’s electrical contacts as well as the ability to extend lab-based production techniques to industrial scales. Read more...
A General Relationship between Disorder, Aggregation, and Charge Transport in Conjugated Polymers – Contacts: Rodrigo Noriega, University of California Berkeley, Jonathan Rivnay, Centre Microélectronique de Provence, and Michael Toney, SSRL Films of semiconducting organic polymers are major candidates for new materials, with industrial applications ranging from lighting equipment to solar cells to electronic devices. In order to fully exploit these materials, scientists must first understand how polymer films transport electric charge. Read more... One of the authors, Jonathan Rivnay, is the recipient of the 2013 Spicer Award, and will present his award talk at the SSRL/LCLS Users’ Meeting on October 3. Upcoming EventsLCLS/SSRL Annual Users' Meeting and Workshops Join us at our October 1-4 Annual Users' Meeting and Workshops. The activities scheduled over this multi-day event provide opportunities to learn about the latest user research results, current/future capabilities and new science opportunities as well as to interact with other scientists and vendors of light source related products and services. WORKSHOPS AND SPECIAL TALKS
Pre-registration has closed, but late walk-in registration will be accepted on a space available basis. The registration desk will be located in a tent on the SLAC quad, along with user research posters and exhibits from vendors of lightsource related products and services. Awards and HonorsKlein Award Recognizes X-ray Research on Organic Semiconductors
Guarav "Gino" Giri, who this summer completed his doctoral work in chemical engineering at Stanford, has been selected to receive this year's Melvin P. Klein Scientific Development Award for his pioneering work at SSRL and other research sites aimed at understanding and improving organic semiconductor performance and developing new production methods. Giri will receive the award, which honors the late University of California-Berkeley biophysicist known for his research on oxygen-producing processes in plants, in an October 3 ceremony during the LCLS/SSRL Annual Users' Meeting and Workshops. Read more...
SSRL Users' Organization UpdateVote for SSRL Users' Organization Executive Committee Membership Having a full and engaged Users' Organization is essential, particularly during times of growth and change. Please take a few minutes to cast your ballots between now and October 2 to fill open positions on the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource Users' Organization Executive Committee. The results will be announced during the Users' Meeting on October 3. VOTE: http://www-conf.slac.stanford.edu/ssrl-lcls/2013/SSRLvoteForm.asp User Research Administration UpdateX-ray/VUV Beam Time Allocations – Submit Requests by November 15 Log in to the user portal to view and accept X-ray/VUV beam time allocations for the first scheduling period of FY2014 (November 2013 through February 2014). Submit X-ray/VUV Beam Time Requests for the second scheduling period (February-May 2014) by the November 15 deadline. New X-ray/VUV and Macromolecular Crystallography Proposals Due December 1 X-ray/VUV proposals can be submitted three times a year: December 1, June 1, and September 1. Proposals submitted by December 1 will eligible for beam time beginning in May 2014. Macromolecular Crystallography proposals can be submitted December 1, April 1 and July 1. Proposals submitted by the December 1 deadline will be eligible for beam time beginning in March 2014. Submit proposals through the user portal. Inform Us of Publications SSRL provides technical tools for world-leading science at no charge for scientists who conduct non-proprietary research, with the understanding that significant results are to be publicly disseminated. Scientists must acknowledge use of the facility in presentations and publications and must inform the facility of all publications, theses, awards, patents and other forms of recognition resulting from research conducted fully or partially at SSRL. These metrics of scientific achievements and productivity are extremely important to the facility and to funding agencies. Please contact us as results are about to be published so that we can work with you to more broadly communicate your research. More information and acknowledgement statements can be found on our publications page.
The Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) is a third-generation light source producing extremely bright x-rays for basic and applied research. SSRL attracts and supports scientists from around the world who use its state-of-the-art capabilities to make discoveries that benefit society. SSRL, a U.S. DOE Office of Science national user facility, is a Directorate of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, operated by Stanford University for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. The SSRL Structural Molecular Biology Program is supported by the DOE Office of Biological and Environmental Research, and by the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of General Medical Sciences. For more information about SSRL science, operations and schedules, visit http://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu. To unsubscribe from SSRL Headlines, just send an e-mail to listserv@ssrl.slac.stanford.edu with "signoff ssrl-headlines" in the body. To subscribe, send an e-mail to listserv@ssrl.slac.stanford.edu with "subscribe ssrl-headlines" in the body. Questions? Comments? Contact Lisa Dunn