Science Highlights
Morphology Development of Polymer-Fullerene and Polymer-Polymer
Solar Cells during Solution-Shearing Blade Coating –
Contacts: Hongping Yan (SSRL) and Xiaodan Gu (Stanford University)
Researchers are evaluating the use of organic semi-conductive polymers
instead of inorganic semiconductors for use in solar cells. Polymer
semiconductors are more flexible and more easily applied, which could allow for
more uses and lower production costs. Unfortunately, solar cell devices made of
these organic materials tend to have less power conversion efficiency, largely
due to the way the donor and acceptor molecules are arranged in the bulk
heterojunction (BHJ) structures.
Unsupervised Data Mining in Nanoscale X-ray Spectro-Microscopic
Study of a NdFeB Magnet – Contacts: Yijin Liu and Apurva
Mehta (SSRL)
Rare earth magnetic materials have many applications, such as MRI scanners,
Maglev trains, and electric vehicles. Scientists are researching improvements
to these magnets through optimizing the component materials. Taking a different
approach, a team of scientists have studied the effects of nano-scale
heterogeneity in the chemistry and structure of Nd2Fe14B,
a very strong and widely-used rare earth magnet.
The Solution Structural Ensembles of RNA and RNA·Protein
Complexes – Contacts: Xuesong Shi, Pehr Harbury and Daniel
Herschlag (Stanford University)
RNA molecules, often bound to protein in complexes, play essential roles in
many basic cellular processes in all life. Like with proteins, often these
roles depend on the distinct 3-dimensional shapes the RNA molecules adopt.
While much research has been done using traditional biophysical techniques to
determine the predominant structure of many RNA folds, less is known about the
array of shapes a certain type of RNA can adopt and how this ensemble of form
affects function.
Meeting Summary
Scientists Gather for Annual SSRL/LCLS Users’
Excerpted from October 13, 2016 SLAC News Feature
More than 400 participants came to the 2016 SSRL/LCLS Annual Users'
Meeting and Workshops, held October 5-8. Sessions covered developments in the
field of x-ray science, specific advances in technology at SLAC, and hands-on
training for researchers. As DOE Office of Science User Facilities, SSRL and
the LCLS are open to researchers from around the world. These light sources use
extremely bright x-rays to explore matter at very small scales. “Our job
is to make sure that you can do state-of-the-art x-ray experiments, and
understand and interpret the results,” Kelly Gaffney, SSRL Director, said
during his presentation. “A key component for our strategic planning and
keeping up to date are the workshops at the Users’ Meeting.” Mike
Dunne, LCLS Director, said increasing researcher access to the x-ray
free-electron laser was a major goal for the past year. Read more...
IEEE Magnetics Society Announces 2017 Distinguished

The IEEE Magnetics Society has named Hendrik Ohldag as one of its 2017
Distinguished Lecturers for his talk, "Ultrafast and Very Small: Discover
Nanoscale Magnetism with Picosecond Time Resolution Using X-rays".
With about 50 lectures already lined up for 2017, the goal of this talk is to
present an introduction to the field and explain the capabilities of
synchrotron-based x-ray microscopy, which is becoming a tool available at every
synchrotron. An SSRL staff scientist since 2005, Hendrik originally came to
SSRL in 1999 as a Ph.D. student in Jo Stohr's research group. He was
also a visiting researcher at the ALS from 1999 and 2002 and was subsequently
awarded the David A. Shirley Award in 2006. He is currently a member of the
IEEE Magnetics Society and the chair of the Magnetic Interfaces and Nanoscale
Device Division of the American Vacuum Society. His many accomplishments
include co-authoring over 50 peer-reviewed papers and book chapters and
participating in the organization of 25 international conferences and
Joe Wong Poster Award Winners
Excerpted from October 13, 2016 SLAC News Feature
winner Camila Bacellar, award presenter Petra Fromme, winner Fang Ren, award
presenter Blaine Mooers, and winner Anna Wise.
For the first time, the Annual SSRL/LCLS Users' meeting also included
the Joe Wong Poster Awards, a competition created with support from long-time
SSRL user Joe Wong. Wong retired in 2006 from Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory with seven patents, 12 awards and more than 200 publications. He
also helped build the first x-ray beam line at Brookhaven National Laboratory.
The awards are given to “the most exciting, novel and compelling
science” presented during the poster session. The contest is open to all
SSRL and LCLS users, based on research results from either facility. One award
is designated for students, and researchers at any stage of their career can
compete for additional awards.
Three outstanding young women scientists received the inaugural poster
- Camila Bacellar, graduate student at the
University of California, Berkeley/Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory,
“Imaging Anisotropic Nanoplasma Dynamics in Superfluid Helium
- Fang Ren, Stanford University/SSRL Materials
Science Division, “Identify Phases in Materials - Human or
- Anna Wise, Stanford University/SSRL Materials
Science Division, “High Resolution Chemical Mapping of Energy-related
Materials: Development of Soft X-ray Ptychography at SSRL”
DOE News
Patricia Dehmer, Guiding Force behind Department of Energy Science,
to Retire
Excerpted from September 29, 2016 Science Article by Adrian Cho

It's not often that the retirement of a federal bureaucrat meets with an
effusion of regret that she’s leaving and praise for her
soon-to-be-missed talents. But by many accounts Patricia Dehmer is no ordinary
bureaucrat. So when Dehmer, 71, announced that she would step down on
10 November after 9 years as deputy director for science programs in the
Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) $5.35 billion Office of Science in
Washington, D.C., many observers were eager to sing her praises and lament her
coming departure. Leland Cogliani, a consultant with Lewis-Burke
Associates LLC, in Washington, D.C., who served on the staff of the Senate
appropriations committee from 2010 to 2014, says Dehmer “was one of the
best. … It’s rare when somebody of her level leaves and it causes
such a reaction across the research community.”
SSRL Users' Executive Committee Update
UEC Election Results
Elections for the SSRL Users' Executive Committee (UEC) were held during
early October. Please join us in supporting Blaine Mooers as the new Chair,
David Bushnell as Vice-Chair and welcoming the following new members to the SSRL UEC:
- David Barondeau, Texas A&M University
- Marco Keiluweit, University of Massachusetts
We would like to extend our thanks to Eddie Snell for serving as UEC Chair
this past year and also to retiring committee members Justin Chartron and
Colleen Hansel.
Virtual Tour
A Slide Show and Virtual 3-D Tour Offer a Rare Look Inside the Busy
X-ray Science Facility
Excerpted from October 28, 2016 SLAC News Feature
We are pleased to report that good progress has been made on many important
upgrades and projects during our recent shutdown including the Beam Line 4
optics upgrade and the Beam Line 12-1 undulator installation to name a
Because the area inside the concrete shield of the SPEAR3 ring was
accessible, the shutdown also created an opportunity to develop a
three-dimensional virtual tour of the synchrotron, using technology from the
media company Matterport. The virtual tour allows a unique look inside the busy
x-ray science facility, with a total of 33 experimental stations. See virtual tour
2017 Panofsky Fellowship Applications due November 18,
The Panofsky Fellowship honors SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory's
founder and first Director, Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky. It is intended to
recognize exceptional and promising young scientists who would most benefit
from the unique opportunity to conduct their research at SLAC.
The Fellowship celebrates W. K. H. Panofsky's breadth of activities and
is awarded without regard to a candidate's particular specialty within our
programs. While an emphasis will be placed on the potential for
innovation and growth of new opportunities as their career develops, the
candidate's research plan should relate to one or more areas within the
general scope of the science program at SLAC:
- Accelerator science & advanced accelerator research
- Biosciences
- Chemical science
- Elementary particle physics
- High energy density matter
- Material science
- Particle astrophysics and cosmology
- X-ray Science with LCLS and SSRL
Read more for application process
Lightsources.Org Survey
Please complete a brief survey to let know what information
you would find interesting and helpful., a collaborative
website that provides information on international light sources, would
appreciate your input into how you use this website and what information is
most useful to you. provides details about facilities, news
and science highlights, job opportunities, a calendar of conferences and
events, and education and outreach resources such as photos and videos. We
value your input! Survey
User Research Administration
SSRL Beam Time Request Deadlines
- November 23, 2016 - X-ray/VUV (February - May beam time)
Proposal Deadlines
- November 7, 2016 – LCLS proposals for run 15 (submit by 4 pm
PACIFIC). See information about Run 15 Standard Configurations.
- December 1, 2016 – X-ray/VUV proposals (for beam time eligibility
beginning in spring 2017)
- December 1, 2016 – Macromolecular Crystallography proposals (for beam
time eligibility beginning in March 2017)
Submit proposals and beam time requests through the user portal.
The Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) is a third-generation
light source producing extremely bright x-rays for basic and applied
research. SSRL attracts and supports scientists from around the world who
use its state-of-the-art capabilities to make discoveries that benefit society.
SSRL, a U.S. DOE Office of Science national user facility, is a Directorate of
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, operated by Stanford University for the
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. The SSRL Structural
Molecular Biology Program is supported by the DOE Office of Biological and
Environmental Research, and by the National Institutes of Health, National
Institute of General Medical Sciences. For more information about SSRL science,
operations and schedules, visit
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Questions? Comments? Contact Lisa Dunn