From the Director
I am looking forward to seeing many of you at our Annual SSRL/LCLS
Users’ Conference next week. This annual event is a valuable opportunity
to learn about new developments and research at SSRL and LCLS through focused
workshops, facility updates and invited talks.
This year the conference officially begins on October 5 with a number of
parallel workshops. The Plenary Session follows on October 6 with updates from
our facility directors and keynote talks. Presentations honoring awardees for
their outstanding science and roles in the community will take place the
afternoon of October 6 as will the poster session. We are very pleased to bring
back the poster competition through the Joe Wong Poster Awards (see below).
Additional workshops will be held on October 7, followed by additional events
on October 8. We look forward to your participation.
Science Highlights
Formation of Nanoscale Composites of Compound Semiconductors Driven
by Charge Transfer – Contacts: Laura Schelhas
(SSRL) and Wladyslaw Walukiewicz (LBNL)
In materials science, the creation of composites by mixing of materials with
different properties can lead to a new set of properties. To create a new type
of nanocomposite material for semiconductors, a team of scientists chose to
combine CdO and SnTe, materials with disparate optoelectric properties, one
acting as an n-type (electron-rich) and the other a p-type (hole-rich)
Understanding how Li-rich Cathode Materials Degrade Using X-ray
Diffraction, Spectroscopy, and 3D Nano Imaging – Contacts:
Yijin Liu (SSRL), Xiqian Yu (BNL / Institute of Physics, Chinese
Academy of Sciences) and Xiao-Qing Yang (LBNL)
The continuing development of better lithium-ion batteries, which are common
in consumer electronics, depends on improvements in the batteries’
chemical materials. Over the charge/discharge cycle of the battery, the
electrochemistry and morphology of the material change, which can cause steric
stresses and defects, leading to decreased battery performance. Modifications
of the lithium compounds used at the cathode can help the batteries hold more
charge and keep charge better over many charge/discharge cycles. Read more...
More Science
X-ray Studies of Modern Feathers Allow Scientists to Search for
Fossil Pigments
Excerpted from September 23, 2016 SLAC News Feature
In order to discover the true colors of ancient animals, scientists are
using x-rays to closely examine the chemical details of modern bird
A team of researchers, led by the University of Manchester, performed x-ray
fluorescence imaging (XRF) and x-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES)
experiments on Beam Line 6-2 to map elements that make up pigments responsible
for red and black colors in feathers. They hope to use this information to
find traces of the same pigments in fossil specimens of extinct animals, such
as dinosaurs.
This latest discovery means that scientists may be able to go beyond
monochrome in their depictions of fossilized creatures, and make steps towards
portraying their colors more accurately.
SLAC to Play Key Role in $30 Million DOE Effort to Improve Solar
Module Materials
Excerpted from September 15, 2016 SLAC News Feature
The U.S. Department of Energy recently announced the launch of the Durable Module Materials
National Lab Consortium, or DuraMat, which is designed to accelerate the
development and deployment of new, high-performance materials for photovoltaic
(PV) modules to lower the cost of electricity generated by solar power while
increasing the lifetime of modules in the field. Led by the National Renewable
Energy Laboratory (NREL), it includes SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory,
Sandia National Laboratories and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, as
well as partners from academia and industry.
SLAC will lead the consortium’s efforts to quickly discover, develop
and evaluate new materials for making solar modules cheaper, more efficient and
more durable. This effort will focus on accelerating the transfer of new
materials and technologies that the consortium develops to industry for
“Our work for the consortium will take advantage of our unique
capabilities for probing materials with x-rays at SSRL,” said Michael
Toney, an SSRL senior staff scientist who will lead the consortium’s work
in high-throughput materials discovery, characterization and forensics.
“These studies reveal how materials work, at an atom-by-atom level,
while a solar cell is operating, and by working with theorists and computer
scientists we can greatly accelerate the identification of promising new
materials for evaluation".
Postdocs Encourage Middle-schoolers to 'Embrace the
Excerpted from September 27, 2016 SLAC News Feature

Laura Schelhas, Beth Miller and Anna Wise are postdoctoral scholars in
SSRL's Materials Science Division under the supervision of Mike
Toney. Schelhas researches new material discovery and design for solar
applications, Miller studies next-generation lithium sulfur batteries, and Wise
is implementing a new imaging technique to acquire very high-resolution images
of materials. All three want to pass their excitement about their chosen
science careers on to the next generation and are participating in the Tech
Trek program as a means of doing so.
In an effort to increase women’s representation in STEM careers, the
American Association of University Women launched the Tech Trek program, which
is designed to develop and increase interest in math and science among
middle-school girls. The program offers a mind-expanding opportunity for teens
at a critical age, when they haven’t yet fully established their course
of studies and can still embrace positive influences toward science. Read more...
Makoto Hashimoto Receives Lytle Award for Contributions to
High-temperature Superconductor Research
Excerpted from September 14, 2016 SLAC News Feature
Makoto Hashimoto, a staff scientist at SSRL, has been selected to receive
the Farrel W. Lytle Award for his technical and scientific contributions
to a research program that has produced new insights about high-temperature
superconductors – materials that conduct electricity perfectly with no
resistance at temperatures significantly higher than conventional
The award recognizes his work on more than 50 scientific publications in the
field over the past decade, and honors his technical accomplishments in
developing an experimental station at SSRL that allows researchers to study
superconductivity and other states of matter that could be key to solving
energy problems and developing electronics of the future.
"Owing to his diligent and creative work, BL5-4 has remained one of the
most productive beam lines at SSRL and one of the top competitive ARPES
facilities in the world," Donghui Lu, an SSRL senior staff scientist,
wrote in his nomination letter. Read
Trevor Petach Receives 2016 Klein Award
Excerpted from September 29, 2016 SLAC News Feature
Trevor Petach is the winner of the 2016 Melvin P. Klein Scientific
Development Award – an annual prize recognizing outstanding research
accomplishments by new investigators based on work performed at SSRL.
“When I came to Stanford, I wanted to make practical devices for
electronics or batteries,” Petach says. “And I realized that one
important part of making interesting devices is understanding the fundamental
science behind them.”
With his advisor, Stanford Professor of Physics and SLAC investigator David
Goldhaber-Gordon, Petach began using synchrotron radiation at SSRL to study
solid-liquid interfaces and how they change under the influence of a strong
electric field. Their goal is to use ionic liquids to change the electronic
properties of materials, such as turning metal oxides from insulators to
conductors, and to understand what happens where solid and liquid meet in these
Long-time SSRL User Elected to be New Fellow of the Royal Society of
The Fellows of the Royal Society of Canada have recently elected 89 new
Fellows including Graham N. George. A long-term SSRL user and former
staff scientist, Prof. George is also an internationally-recognized leader in
x-ray spectroscopy and imaging using synchrotron radiation. His research has
provided insights into the chemistry of metals in living organisms. His work
has had impacts in the areas of bioinorganic chemistry, molecular toxicology,
fuel chemistry and environmental science. According to George,
"Being elected a fellow is most definitely an honor, and I owe SSRL a big
thank you for the work that was done there."
SSRL Users' Executive Committee Update
SSRL has a Users' Executive Committee (UEC) that includes user
representatives from various scientific areas that utilize SSRL beam lines. We
have a call for candidates and an election each fall in conjunction with the Annual Users' Conference. Elected UEC members generally
serve three-year terms.
This year we will elect new members in two areas:
Environmental/Geosciences and Macromolecular Crystallography. Please take
a few minutes before October 7 to review the candidates and cast your ballot for the 2016/2017 SSRL
* * VOTE Before October 7 * *
The SSRL UEC provides an organized framework for interaction between the
scientific user community and SSRL/SLAC Management to communicate the interests
of users regarding SSRL operations and user support. The committee meets
several times throughout the year – we encourage participation, feedback
and suggestions from the general scientific user community. To get involved or
to learn more about the UEC, please contact us or join us for meetings.
We hope that you are able to participate in the October 5-8 SSRL/LCLS Annual
Users' Meeting and Workshops as well as the open users’ discussion
with facility directors at 2:30 pm on October 6 (SLAC Panofsky Auditorium in
the new Science and User Support Building (SUSB)). We encourage you to submit
questions you would like addressed at this discussion. You can submit these
questions to SSRL UEC Vice Chair Blaine Mooers or Cathy Knotts. Some ideas for
discussion could be:
- Onboarding at the User Office – badging, training, access,
- Housing at the Guest House
- New developments and capabilities
We look forward to seeing you next week and to hearing your input.
Joe Wong Poster Awards
As announced earlier this month the Joe Wong Poster Awards have been
established to promote multi-disciplinary interactions among the user
community, to recognize the best poster presentations at the Annual Users'
Conference, and specifically to help students in preparing for their science
careers. The poster awards are open to users of both the SSRL and the LCLS.
The best poster presentation by an undergraduate or graduate student (BS or
PhD student user) will be awarded $500. Up to two more posters will be selected
for a $250 award. Presenters at any stage of their research career and in any
field can compete for the $250 award.
Submit your poster abstract by noon on October 3. Please
also send Lisa Dunn a message
indicating that you want to compete for a poster award. Meeting registration is a requirement for poster
presentation. Students presenting posters get free registration at the Annual Users' Conference.
2017 Panofsky Fellowship Applications due November 18,
The Panofsky Fellowship honors SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory's
founder and first Director, Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky. It is intended to
recognize exceptional and promising young scientists who would most benefit
from the unique opportunity to conduct their research at SLAC.
The Fellowship celebrates W. K. H. Panofsky's breadth of activities and
is awarded without regard to a candidate's particular specialty within our
programs. While an emphasis will be placed on the potential for
innovation and growth of new opportunities as their career develops, the
candidate's research plan should relate to one or more areas within the
general scope of the science program at SLAC:
- Accelerator science & advanced accelerator research
- Biosciences
- Chemical science
- Elementary particle physics
- High energy density matter
- Material science
- Particle astrophysics and cosmology
- X-ray Science with LCLS and SSRL
Read more for application process
Upcoming Events
4th High-Power Laser Workshop – October 3-4 2016
This workshop will bring together the international science community to
discuss recent experimental results from matter in extreme conditions (MEC)
enabled by the combination of high-power laser drivers with the world-class
LCLS x-ray beam. We will discuss novel experiments in the high-pressure regime
created by nanosecond lasers and in particular discuss results obtained with
the recently commissioned 25 TW-laser. We will describe the scientific
opportunities at the MEC instrument and provide time to discuss important
physics proposals and experimental needs for cutting-edge research with the
upcoming 200 TW-laser that is expected to become available shortly after the
workshop. Workshop
Attend the SSRL/LCLS Users' Conference – October 5-8,
The Annual SSRL/LCLS Users' Conference is an excellent
opportunity for
our user community to participate in an event that provides a broad sampling of
multidisciplinary photon science through plenary presentations, poster talks,
workshops and satellite events. Activities planned for this event include:
Workshops: Wednesday, October 5
- High Throughput Serial MX Data Collection at Synchrotrons and
- Hybrid Methods and Dynamics in Structural Biology
- LCLS-II Instrumentation Workshops NEH 1.x & NEH 2.x
(Parallel Workshops)
- Discovering Functional Materials Faster
- LCLS Data Analysis and Interface Hands-on Analysis Tutorial
- Applying Machine Learning to LCLS Data Analysis
Talks: Thursday, October 6
- Simon Bare, SLAC SSRL
- Mike Dunne, SLAC LCLS
- Kelly Gaffney, SLAC SSRL
- Mike Lubell, CCNY/American Physical Society
- Marius Schmidt, University of Wisconsin
- Robert Schoenlein, LCLS
- John Paul Strachan, Hewlett Packard Enterprises
Workshops: Friday, October 7
- Electrochemical Energy Materials and Fundamental Studies Using
Synchrotron X-rays
- In-Situ Catalysis with Advanced X-ray Methods
- Sample Delivery: Methods & Equipment
- SAXS for Biological Characterizations
- ScÅtter Software Tutorial
- Nonlinear X-rays - Advanced Methods and Science Applications
- Analysis of xFEL scattering data from Biomolecules and
- Timing and Synchronization of X-ray and Optical Lasers
Events: Saturday, October 8
- Young Investigators Session organized by BioXFEL
- PULSE Institute 10-Year Anniversary Symposium
The activities scheduled over this multi-day event provide opportunities to
discuss the latest user research results, current/future capabilities and new
science opportunities as well as to network with scientists in many areas as
well as vendors of light source related products and services.
We look forward to seeing you there! Users' Conference website
User Research Administration
SSRL Beam Time Request Deadlines
- November 23, 2016 - X-ray/VUV (February - May beam time)
Proposal Deadlines
- December 1, 2016 – X-ray/VUV proposals (for beam time eligibility
beginning in spring 2017)
- December 1, 2016 – Macromolecular Crystallography proposals (for beam
time eligibility beginning in March 2017)
Submit proposals and beam time requests through the user portal.
The Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) is a third-generation
light source producing extremely bright x-rays for basic and applied
research. SSRL attracts and supports scientists from around the world who
use its state-of-the-art capabilities to make discoveries that benefit society.
SSRL, a U.S. DOE Office of Science national user facility, is a Directorate of
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, operated by Stanford University for the
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. The SSRL Structural
Molecular Biology Program is supported by the DOE Office of Biological and
Environmental Research, and by the National Institutes of Health, National
Institute of General Medical Sciences. For more information about SSRL science,
operations and schedules, visit
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Questions? Comments? Contact Lisa Dunn