From Our Director
SSRL just completed our DOE Basic Energy Sciences Triennial Review. The
review highlighted the high impact of SSRL user science, the quality of SSRL
user support, the reliability of SPEAR3 performance, and a strong commitment to
science education. I would like to thank the user community, the SSRL User
Executive Committee in particular, and the SSRL staff for your essential roles
in making SSRL a successful scientific organization. One example shared with
the reviewers was the user surveys, which documented an exceptionally high
level of user satisfaction. Thank you for your support!
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In preparation for the Triennial Review, we have reinvigorated our Strategic Plan,
which you can find at the SSRL home page. Our planning includes three
undulator beam lines, and two new bending magnet beam lines, all in
construction, and an increasing commitment to in-situ and
measurements, x-ray emission and Raman measurement throughout the x-ray
spectrum, and picosecond science. For details, please see the Strategic Plan.
Keeping our plan current and compelling is critical and we ask for your
continued contributions to our planning.
Kelly Gaffney
Science Highlights
Thermodynamic Preservation of Carbon in Anoxic Environments –
Contacts: Kristin Boye and John Bargar, SSRL
While scientists recognize that oxygen-free soil stores large amounts of
carbon, knowledge about the processes that protect and preserve carbon-rich
molecules in these environments is lacking. In oxygen-rich soil, microbes break
down organic molecules through aerobic respiration, allowing carbon to escape
the ground as carbon dioxide gas.
See also, Stanford News article Shunned by microbes, organic carbon can resist breakdown in
underground environments
More SSRL Science
Perseverance Pays Off in Fight Against Deadly Lassa
Excerpt from June 1, 2017 News Release

Before Ebola virus ever struck West Africa, locals were already on the
lookout for a deadly pathogen: Lassa virus. With thousands dying from Lassa
every year—and the potential for the virus to cause even larger
outbreaks—researchers are committed to designing a vaccine to stop it. A
team at The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) led by Staff Scientist Kathryn
Hastie and Professor Erica Ollmann Saphire has solved the structure of the
viral machinery that Lassa virus uses to enter human cells using diffraction
data collected at SSRL BL12-2. Their study, published June 2, 2017 in the
journal Science, is the first to show a key piece of the viral
structure, called the surface glycoprotein, for any member of the deadly
arenavirus family. Importantly, the new structure provides a blueprint to
design a Lassa virus vaccine.
Meeting Summary
RapiData 2017

The RapiData 2017 practical workshop in macromolecular x-ray crystallography
was hosted by the Structural Molecular Biology (SMB) group at SSRL during April
16-21, 2017. The continuing aim of this course is to educate and train young
scientists in data collection and processing methods at synchrotron beam lines,
using state-of-the-art software and instrumentation. The co-organizers of the
2017 course were SSRL scientists Ana Gonzalez, Clyde Smith and Silvia Russi.
The 2017 course attracted 43 early career scientists, mainly postgraduate
students and postdoctoral researchers, but also some master students, research
staff and junior faculty from around the world. One important mandate for all
the previous RapiData courses has been to encourage attendance by young
scientists from Latin America with the assistance of scholarships from the
International Union of Crystallography (IUCr).
On Sunday April 16, Bob Sweet (Brookhaven National Laboratory) gave a
five-hour lecture course on the fundamentals of crystallography to ensure that
students without much previous experience in crystallography benefit fully from
the lectures and practicals during the rest of the course. On Monday and
Tuesday there were lectures covering topics ranging from light sources,
beam line instrumentation, sample preparation, data collection, indexing,
integration, phasing and complementary techniques. Participants were also able
to tour the serial femtocrystallography facilities at the LCLS. Hands-on
tutorials on data reduction and structure solving software started on Tuesday
evening and ran in parallel over Wednesday and Thursday, with sample
preparation and data collection tutorials at five SSRL beam lines. The course
ended on Friday morning with the awards to the winners of the IUCr and Stanford
Bio-X travel scholarships, followed by a round table feedback meeting.
Both students and speakers and tutors expressed a high degree of satisfaction with the
Upcoming Events
canSAS-IX Meeting, June 5-7, 2017, San Francisco, CA
For more information please visit both canSAS and the meeting
SSRL 2017 Summer School on Synchrotron X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
and Imaging, June 19-23, Menlo Park, CA
Additional information is available at school web portal
7th International Conferences on Hard X-ray Photoelectron
Spectroscopy, September 11-15, 2017, Berkeley, CA
Register online or contact the Co-Chairs for more information: Piero
Pianetta (Stanford/SSRL), Chuck Fadley (UC Davis/LBNL) and Zahid Hussain
(LBNL). Conference website
SSRL/LCLS Users' Conference & Workshops, September 27-29,
2017, Menlo Park, CA – Save the Date
Planning is underway for the joint SSRL/LCLS Users' Conference, to be
held at SLAC, September 27-29, 2017. A plenary session with a poster session,
awards and invited speakers is planned for September 28. Parallel workshops
will be planned for September 27 and 29, including:
- Accelerator Performance Developments
- Additive Manufacturing
- Advanced X-ray Spectroscopy at SLAC: From Theory to Experimental
- Detectors for Photon Science
- Feature Extraction for LCLS-II
- First Experiments for LCLS-II (with Update/Introduction to
- Hands-on Data Analysis Workshop for LCLS
- Probing Structure and Chemistry of Surfaces Using Hard X-ray
- New Methods for Room Temperature Crystallography at SSRL and
- Sample Preparation, Characterization & Delivery: From PSLB to
- Scientific Opportunities with Ultrafast Electron Diffraction (UED)
- Ultrafast Chemistry and Materials Dynamics
- Ultrasensitive Electronic Structure Detection in (Bio)Chemistry and
- Workflow Workshop (including Machine Learning Features)
We anticipate that registration will open at the conference website next month. We look forward to your
feedback and participation!
Nomination Deadlines for Annual Awards
- Submit nominations for the Spicer Young Investigator Award by July 5, including a
letter of nomination summarizing the technical or scientific contributions of
the candidate, the candidate's curriculum vitae and publications.
Supporting letters are also encouraged. All SSRL users and staff are eligible
for this $1,000 award honoring the professional and personal contributions that
William E. and Diane M. Spicer made to our community.
- Nominations for the Melvin P. Klein Scientific Development Award are due by
August 1.
- Nominations for the Farrel W. Lytle Award are due by August 10.
User Research Administration
Tomoko Nakai Joins SSRL User Office
Stop by Building 120, Room 211 and introduce yourself to Tomoko Nakai who
recently joined the SSRL User Research Administration team. Tomoko will be the
primary contact for users submitting proposals and conducting experiments on
SSRL's Chemistry, Catalysis and Material Science beam lines as well as the
general user administrator supporting users and staff in Buildings 120/130/131.
Prior to joining SSRL, Tomoko worked in the Office of Research, University of
California Davis, where she held positions as Research Development Coordinator,
Communications Analyst, and Research Program Coordinator. Welcome Tomoko!
SSRL Beam Time Request Deadline
- August 7, 2017 – X-ray/VUV requests for beam time beginning
fall 2017.
SSRL Proposal Deadlines
- July 1, 2017 – Macromolecular Crystallography
- September 1, 2017 – X-ray / VUV
Note: Rapid Access Requests for selected beam lines can be submitted at
any time. Submit proposals and beam time requests through the user portal.
The Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) is a third-generation
light source producing extremely bright x-rays for basic and applied
research. SSRL attracts and supports scientists from around the world who
use its state-of-the-art capabilities to make discoveries that benefit society.
SSRL, a U.S. DOE Office of Science national user facility, is a Directorate of
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, operated by Stanford University for the
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. The SSRL Structural
Molecular Biology Program is supported by the DOE Office of Biological and
Environmental Research, and by the National Institutes of Health, National
Institute of General Medical Sciences. For more information about SSRL science,
operations and schedules, visit
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Questions? Comments? Contact Lisa Dunn