Science Highlight
Measuring Real-time Biological and Abiotic Manganese Oxide
Reduction – Contact: Contact: Jena Johnson (University of
The element manganese can have complex interactions with the environment,
depending on the prevailing conditions. Manganese(IV) is a strong oxidant but
can also bind to environmental toxins and heavy metals, rendering them less
harmful. Both geochemical and microbial processes affect the reactions of
manganese(IV) in the environment. A team of researchers were interested in
following the complicated reactions and mineral products produced during the
reduction of manganese(IV) under different environmental conditions.
A Pioneer - Edward A. Stern
 | |
(from left) Farrel Lytle, Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Anne Sayers, Mary McLaurin and
Edward Stern at Dale Sayers Young Scientist Award Ceremony (ETH Life
2006) |
It is with great sadness that we are passing along the news that one of our
earliest users at SSRL has died. Professor Ed Stern of the University of
Washington passed away in May 2016. Along with Farrel Lytle and Dale Sayers, he
pioneered the modern age of Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS).
At was then the fledgling Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Project, the
University of Washington group along with Bell Labs built SSRP's first EXAFS
beam line that was part of the first suite of beam lines beginning operation in
1974. This synchrotron beam line, coupled with EXAFS theory that Ed, Dale and
Farrel had developed just a few years before, enabled EXAFS to go from a very
limited technique to one that simply took off and continues to be one of the
mainstays of SSRL's current experimental program, with broad impact in areas of
science that include chemistry, materials science, biology and environmental
science. Ed continued developing and using EXAFS throughout his illustrious
career and championed beam lines at both the NSLS and the APS. We all have fond
memories of Ed and will remember his long-lasting contributions to the
For a history of the development of extended x-ray absorption fine structure
as recounted by Farrel Lytle, see: F. Lytle, "The EXAFS Family Tree: a Personal History of the Development of
Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure", J. Synchrotron Rad.
6, 123 (1999).
Workshop Summaries
Crystallization Workshop: Focus on Micro and Nano Crystals and High
Throughput Methods 2016
The workshop took place at SSRL April 19-22. Hosted by the Structural
Molecular Biology (SMB) program in tandem with RapiData 2016 this was the first
time that this course was offered on the West Coast. Previously hosted by the
National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) at Brookhaven National Laboratory
(BNL), the purpose of this course series is to provide participants with
hands-on experience of a variety of macromolecular crystal growth methods.

This year the course focused on micro and nano crystals and high throughput
methods for synchrotrons and XFELs. Forty-three participants and 20 lecturers
and tutors from the US and abroad discussed, and experienced hands-on, the
complexity of the crystallization process. Nine lectures introducing basic
concepts ranging from standard manual and automated crystallization methods to
high density crystallization formats and injectors for XFELs preceded the
practical and tutorial demonstration sessions. Nine different crystallization
robotic systems were utilized and presented to the participants who could probe
them during the tutorials to set their own crystallization trials. Twenty-three
participants brought their own proteins and took advantage of the different
methods being taught during the hands-on sessions. Crystals obtained were
tested during the RapiData 2016 course that immediately followed this workshop.
Several participants took home new crystallization conditions and even a few
diffraction data sets. Participant comments included “cutting-edge,
informative, problem-solving, networking”. In addition to NIH-NIGMS
and DOE-BER funding, this course would not have been possible without the
generous participation of the many companies that supply and support research
in academic, government and biotech institutions.
RapiData 2016
The RapiData 2016 course in data collection and structure solving for
macromolecular x-ray crystallography was held at SSRL from April 24-29. The aim
of this course series is to educate and train young scientists in data
collection and data processing methods at synchrotron beam lines, using
state-of-the-art software and instrumentation. The workshop was hosted for the
second time by the SSRL's SMB group after having been held at the NSLS for
the previous 16 years. The 2016 course attracted 43 participants from
around the world. The dates were chosen so that the course followed the
Crystallization course that took place the preceding week. Many participants
attended both events.
The workshop started on Sunday, April 24 with a five-hour lecture by Bob
Sweet (BNL) on the fundamentals of crystallography to ensure that students
without much previous experience in crystallography could benefit fully from
the lectures and practicals during the rest of the course. The agenda on Monday
and Tuesday included lectures covering topics ranging from light sources,
sample preparation and data collection indexing to integration and phasing.
Hands-on tutorials on sample preparation, data reduction and structure solving
software started on Tuesday evening, and ran in parallel with data collection
at five SSRL beam lines. Students were encouraged to bring their own specimens
for data collection, and previously measured data for processing and structure
solution. As mentioned above, the participants who were able to grow crystals
during the protein crystallization workshop also got the opportunity to collect
data from these crystals during the RapiData course. Participants
expressed a high degree of satisfaction with the course and we look forward to
hosting the course again at SSRL in the spring of 2017.
Remote Access Data Collection Workshop in Puerto Rico: Automation
and Robotics at the SSRL Macromolecular Crystallography Beam Lines
A workshop describing and demonstrating the state-of-the-art facilities at
SSRL that are available to the general user community for structural biology
research took place at the University of Puerto Rico-Mayaquez on May 6-7. SSRL
staff traveled to Puerto Rico at the invitation of Professor Juan Lopez-Garriga
to facilitate the workshop. For several years Professor Lopez-Garriga has run a
successful crystallization competition in local Puerto Rican high schools,
where the students have been exposed to the techniques necessary to grow
protein crystals. However, there is currently no capability on the island to
measure diffraction data from the crystals that the students have grown, and
the determination of the structures of the proteins. This workshop was aimed
primarily at high school teachers from various schools around the island who
participate in the crystallization competition, with the goal of the workshop
to train the teachers in the remote access tools available at SSRL. The
ultimate aim of the project is to take crystals that the high school students
will grow in this year’s competition and send them to SSRL for data
collection, data processing and structure determination. To this end, it was
important that the teachers involved in the crystallization competition
understand the practical aspects of crystal preparation, shipping to SSRL and
the remote access experiment so that they can guide their students during this
process, topics that were all covered.
Axel Brunger Receives ACA Trueblood Award
Axel Brunger, Professor of Molecular and Cellular Physiology, Neurology and
Neurological Sciences, Structural Biology (by Courtesy), and Photon Science at
Stanford, HHMI Investigator, and a key member of the SSRL Structural Molecular
Biology program, has been awarded the 2016 American Crystallographic
Association Trueblood Award. The award notice quotes how Brunger’s
“contribution to computational crystallography has been invaluable for
the development of modern macromolecular crystallography,” and how he
”carries out cutting-edge research on the molecular mechanisms of
synaptic neurotransmitter release, complementing x-ray crystallography with
electron microscopy and single molecule microscopy and exploring the new
possibilities that x-ray free electron laser techniques offer for the
structural determination of large macromolecular assemblies.” The
award will be presented at the July ACA meeting.
Introducing New SSRL Staff
Simon Bare joins SSRL Chemistry and Catalysis Division
Simon Bare, former Research Fellow at UOP LLC, recently joined SSRL as
Distinguished Staff Scientist. He is a leading scientist in development
of x-ray methods and instrumentation for catalyst characterization, has a very
significant background in heterogeneous catalysis research, and will lead
developments of SSRL’s chemistry and catalysis program.
Kelley Anderton, SSRL Proposal Administrator
Kelley Anderton has joined the SSRL User Services Office as Proposal
Administrator. Contact Kelley for information or assistance regarding SSRL
Materials Sciences, Chemistry and Catalysis (X-ray/VUV) proposals, reviews, or
beam time preparations. Kelley brings extensive administrative experience in a
variety of fields including biotechnology and finance. Please stop by Building
120, Room 211 to say hello to Kelley!
Upcoming Events
12th International Conference on Biology and Synchrotron Radiation -
August 21-24, 2016
The International Biology and Synchrotron Radiation (BSR) meetings are held
every three years with the aim of presenting and discussing state of the art
applications in relevant research fields, providing a unique opportunity to
discuss the novel possibilities of synchrotrons and x-ray lasers and to promote
their applications to challenging biological problems.
This meeting provides a forum for scientists involved in research and
development on synchrotron and free electron laser sources to come together
with a broad community of biologists, with the ambition to make the best use of
the most advanced infrastructures in structural biology. Possible applications
range from atomic-resolution and time-resolved structures of biological
macromolecules, medium resolution images of the largest molecular complexes in
the living word, and cellular and sub-cellular structures.
Scientists at all possible career levels are invited to this meeting –
ranging from graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and principal
investigators both from academia and industry. There will be ample
opportunities for individual presentations. Conference website
Save the date for the 2016 SSRL/LCLS Annual Users' Conference
and Workshops, October 5-8
Organizing Committees
Plan to attend the Annual SSRL/LCLS Users' Conference and Workshops to
be held at SLAC October 5-8, 2016. Contact the organizing committee to share
your input on potential invited speakers. The list of tentative workshop topics
- Advanced X-ray Spectroscopy and New Approaches to and Applications
of In-situ Characterization of Catalysts
- Analysis of XFEL Scattering Data from Biomolecules and
- Electrochemical Energy Materials and Fundamental Studies Using
Synchrotron X-rays
- High Throughput Characterization of Materials and Automated Data
- High Throughput Serial MX Data Collection at Synchrotrons and
- Hybrid Methods and Dynamics in Structural Biology
- LCLS Data Analysis and Interface Hands-on Analysis Tutorial
- LCLS II Instrumentation Workshops (NEH 1.x and 2.x)
- Nonlinear X-rays - Advanced Methods and Science Applications
- Sample Delivery: Methods & Equipment
- SAXS for Biological Characterizations
- Science Opportunities for Future LCLS II-HE
- Timing and Synchronization of X-rays and Optical Lasers
Users' Conference and Workshops website
Call for SSRL Annual Award Nominations
August 1: William E. and Diane M. Spicer Young
Investigator Award
All SSRL users and staff are eligible for this $1,000 award honoring the
professional and personal contributions that William E. and Diane M. Spicer
made to our community. Submit nominations for the Spicer Young Investigator
Award by August 1, including a letter of nomination summarizing the technical
or scientific contributions of the candidate, the candidate's
curriculum vitae and publications. Supporting letters are also
August 15: Melvin P. Klein Scientific Development
The $1,000 award honoring Melvin P. Klein's many contributions is
intended to recognize outstanding research accomplishments by new investigators
and to promote dissemination of research results based on work performed at
SSRL. Nominations for undergraduate or graduate students, or postdoctoral
fellows within three years of receiving their Ph.D., should be submitted by the
August 15 deadline. The nomination package should include a letter of
recommendation from the advisor as well as an abstract written by the candidate
describing the SSRL-related experiments and scientific results. Candidates are
encouraged to include their curriculum vitae and information on their
plans to present their work at a scientific conference.
August 15: Farrel W. Lytle Award
The Farrel W. Lytle Award was established to promote important technical or
scientific accomplishments in synchrotron radiation-based science and to foster
collaboration and efficient use of beam time among users and staff at SSRL.
SSRL users and staff are eligible to be nominated for the $1,000 Lytle Award,
but only nominations for individuals will be considered (no group awards
please). Submit nomination letters by August 15 including a summary of the
individual's contributions and why they should be recognized through this
award. Supporting letters are also encouraged.
Nomination packages for all three awards should be sent by email to the
attention of Cathy Knotts. These
awards will be presented during the Users' Conference Plenary Session on
October 6. The awardees of the Spicer and Klein awards will be asked to give a
presentation on his/her research during the Users' Conference.
User Research Administration
Proposal Deadlines
July 1, 2016 - SSRL Macromolecular Crystallography proposals (for beam time
eligibility beginning fall 2016)
September 1, 2016 - SSRL X-ray/VUV Proposals (for beam time eligibility
beginning in late winter 2017)
Submit proposals and beam time requests through the user portal.
The Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) is a third-generation
light source producing extremely bright x-rays for basic and applied
research. SSRL attracts and supports scientists from around the world who
use its state-of-the-art capabilities to make discoveries that benefit society.
SSRL, a U.S. DOE Office of Science national user facility, is a Directorate of
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, operated by Stanford University for the
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. The SSRL Structural
Molecular Biology Program is supported by the DOE Office of Biological and
Environmental Research, and by the National Institutes of Health, National
Institute of General Medical Sciences. For more information about SSRL science,
operations and schedules, visit
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Questions? Comments? Contact Lisa Dunn