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Vol. 18, No. 7 - February 2018

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Science Highlights


Structural Mechanisms of Histone Recognition by Histone Chaperones Contacts: Christopher Warren (Albert Einstein College of Medicine) and Tsutomu Matsui (SSRL)

In eukaryotic cells, including human, DNA is kept tidy by wrapping around histone proteins into nucleosome structures. Composed of eight histone proteins, histone assembly requires chaperone proteins, including nucleoplasmin (Npm) specific to histone proteins H2A and H2B and important to early embryonic development.  Read more...


Insights into the Molecular Scale Structure of Electrolyte-Metal Oxide InterfaceContacts: Hans-Georg Steinrück and Michael F. Toney (SSRL)

Since the commercialization of the first rechargeable Li-ion battery (LIB) in 1991, LIBs have become key components in everyday life. However, their energy storage capacity, lifetime, safety, and fast charging/discharging capability still need to be improved in order to meet the increasing demand of key markets, such as the need for long-distance transportation via electric vehicles.  Read more...

More SSRL Science

SLAC Scientists Investigate How Metal 3-D Printing Can Avoid Producing Flawed Parts

Excerpt from January 30, 2018 SLAC News Article by Kimber Price


Scientists at SSRL are using x-ray light to observe and understand how the process of making metal parts using three-dimensional (3-D) printing can leave flaws in the finished product - and discover how those flaws can be prevented. The studies aim to help manufacturers build more reliable parts on the spot - whether in a factory, on a ship or plane, or even remotely in space - and do it more efficiently, without needing to store thousands of extra parts. Read more...

Honors and Awards

Bienenstock Recognized for Contributions to the Advancement of Science

Excerpt from February 12, 2018 Stanford News Article by Taylor Kubota


Arthur Bienenstock, SSRL's second Director and Professor Emeritus at Stanford University, is the winner of the 2018 Philip Hauge Abelson Prize, given by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). The prize, which consists of a commemorative medallion and an honorarium of $5,000, recognizes individuals who have “made signal contributions to the advancement of science in the United States.” Congratulations Artie!  Read more…

SSRL User, Professor Matteo Cargnello, Named as 2018 Sloan Research Fellow


February 15, 2018 Stanford University Communications

Matteo Cargnello, together with four other faculty members from Stanford, has been named a 2018 Sloan Research Fellow. The fellowships, awarded yearly since 1955, honor early-career scholars whose achievements mark them as among the very best scientific minds working today, according to the press release issued by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Read more…

Upcoming Events

Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI 2018), June 10-15, 2018, Taiwan

Save the date for the 13th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI 2018) hosted by the National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (NSRRC), at the Taipei International Convention Center (TICC), June 10-15, 2018. The Call for Abstracts will remain open until April 15.  Conference website 

Ultrafast X-ray Summer Seminar (UXSS), June 24-28, 2018 Menlo Park, CA

The UXSS 2018 website is now online with more information.

50 Years of Synchrotron Radiation in the UK and Its Global Impact (UKSR50), June 26-29, 2018, Liverpool, UK

Save the date for UKSR50 - a conference hosted by the University of Liverpool to celebrate SR-related achievements over the past 50 years and explore the future of the light sources (Synchrotrons and FELs) and their applications in the coming decades. Early Bird registration for the conference ends 12/31/2017.  Conference website

Save the Date – SSRL X-ray Scattering Workshop – July 16-18, 2018, Menlo Park, CA

Save the Date – SSRL EXAFS Summer School – August 13-17, 2018, Menlo Park, CA

Save the Date – SSRL/LCLS Annual Users' Meeting and Workshops, September 26-28, 2018, Menlo Park, CA

See Meeting website for updates

User Research Administration

SSRL user operations will be shut down during these scheduled breaks:

  • May 29 - June 4, 2018
  • July 4, 2018
  • July 23, 2018 through mid-October 2018 for facility upgrades and maintenance before the FY2019 user run resumes

SSRL Beam Time Request Deadlines

  • April 18, 2018 – Macromolecular Crystallography requests for June – July 2018

SSRL Proposal Deadlines – NOTE NEW DEADLINES for X-ray / VUV proposals!

  • April 1, 2018 – Macromolecular Crystallography (for beam time eligibility beginning June 2018)
  • May 1, 2018 – X-ray / VUV  (for beam time eligibility beginning fall 2018)   

**With our user operations resuming in October instead of November, we need to move up our call for SSRL X-ray and VUV proposals. Submit new proposals through the user portal by these new deadlines:  May 1, August 1, November 1.  See SSRL Proposal & Scheduling Guidelines

Submit proposals and beam time requests for both facilities through the User Portal.


The Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource (SSRL) is a third-generation light source producing extremely bright x-rays for basic and applied research.  SSRL attracts and supports scientists from around the world who use its state-of-the-art capabilities to make discoveries that benefit society. SSRL, a U.S. DOE Office of Science national user facility, is a Directorate of SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, operated by Stanford University for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science.  The SSRL Structural Molecular Biology Program is supported by the DOE Office of Biological and Environmental Research, and by the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of General Medical Sciences. For more information about SSRL science, operations and schedules, visit

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Questions? Comments? Contact Lisa Dunn