LCLS Letters of Intent
SAC Agenda: July 8-9, 2004

SAC Meeting Charge      

July 8-9 LCLS SAC Meeting

As result of a review of the Letters of Intent (LoI) propose to SSRL/LCLS Management, 'team based' scientific experiments, suggest the team members, and indicate possible team leaders.

For the category A LoIs:

1) Scientific merit
2) Viability in terms of technical feasibility and quality of the proposers
3) Assess the probability of early success in the beginning of LCLS operations
4) Evaluate the compatibility of the proposed end station for other LoIs in both category A and B.

For the category B LoIs:

1) Scientific merit
2) Assess if the science is associated with a specific category A LoI
3) Identify common photon wavelength (energy) range with specific category A LoIs if the science is not directly associated with a proposed end station.

Provide advice how to accommodate the most highly rated proposals.

For the category C LoIs:

For detector proposals:
1) If possible judge the viability of the proposed concepts
2) Evaluate the scientific impact if the proposed detector performance is achieved.
3) Identify which category A LoI end stations benefit from the proposed detector.

For Accelerator Physics proposals:
Provide advice on the importance and impact of the proposals on present and future scientific uses of LCLS.

For Timing and diagnostics proposals:
Evaluate the impact on proposed LCLS science.

For Instrumentation proposals
Provide advice on the importance and applicability to the LCLS science program and identify any and all category A LoIs which can use the proposed instruments.

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