Status of the Presentations for the

Department of Energy Review
of the
Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) Project
May 21 - 23, 2003




Template Draft Final pp


J. Galayda SLAC Welcome - - -  
2 J. Galayda LCLS Overview 4/29/03 5/7/03 5/19/03 40
3 C. Limborg Injector Requirements 4/30/03   5/19/03 21
4 D. Dowell Injector (WBS 1.2.1) Long Lead Procurements 4/30/03 5/7/03 5/19/03 19
5 P. Bolton Injector Long Lead Procurements Cost & Acquisition I 4/30/03   5/19/03 18
6 J. Schmerge Injector Long Lead Procurements Cost & Acquisition II 4/30/03 5/7/03 5/10/03 25
7 H.-D. Nuhn Undulator Requirements 4/30/03 5/7/03 5/15/03 20
8 S. Milton Undulator Long Lead Procurements 4/30/03 5/9/03 5/14/03 15
9 P. Den Hartog Undulator Long Lead Procurements Cost & Acquisition 4/30/03 5/5/03 5/19/03 13
10 P. Emma Linac Requirements 4/30/03 5/7/03 5/9/03 20
11 E. Bong Linac Long Lead Procurements 4/30/03 5/7/03 5/19/03 16
12 E. Bong Linac Long Lead Procurements Cost & Acquisition   5/9/03 5/17/03 20
13 J. Galayda Project Summary     5/19/03 28

The "pp" column gives the pages of the right-most document.

Presentation Slides including Backups(*)




Final pp


J. Galayda SLAC Welcome -  
2 J. Galayda LCLS Overview (*) 5/19/03 57
3 C. Limborg Injector Requirements (*) 5/19/03 36
4 D. Dowell Injector (WBS 1.2.1) Long Lead Procurements (*) 5/19/03 27
5 P. Bolton Injector Long Lead Procurements Cost & Acquisition I 5/19/03 18
6 J. Schmerge Injector Long Lead Procurements Cost & Acquisition II (*) 5/10/03 33
7 H.-D. Nuhn Undulator Requirements 5/15/03 20
8 S. Milton Undulator Long Lead Procurements 5/14/03 15
9 P. Den Hartog Undulator Long Lead Procurements Cost & Acquisition (*) 5/19/03 24
10 P. Emma Linac Requirements 5/9/03 20
11 E. Bong Linac Long Lead Procurements 5/19/03 16
12 E. Bong Linac Long Lead Procurements Cost & Acquisition 5/17/03 20
13 J. Galayda Project Summary (*) 5/19/03 53


Slide Production Schedule

Due Date Milestone
Thursday, May 1, 2003 First Draft Responses Received
Friday, May 2, 2003 First Draft Viewgraphs Received
Monday, May 5, 2003 ANL Teleconference Dry Run
Wednesday, May 7, 2003 SLAC Dry Run
Thursday, May 8, 2003 Final Draft of Responses Received
Friday, May 9, 2003 Email Responses
Friday, May 16, 2003 Viewgraphs Published on the WEB
Monday, May 19, 2003 Printed Viewgraph Copies Mailed to Washington.


# Column Color Interpretation
. Posted to the Public Agenda Page


Final Status Color Interpretation
. Not Ready.
. Presentation Ready.


Last Updated: 19 May 2003
Content Owners: Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SSRL
Page Editor: Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SSRL
