Summary of Recommendations from the Lehman Review on April 23-25, 2002

Accelerator Physics  
1   Continue to give high priority to experimental benchmarking of the computer codes used to model the injector
2   Pursue experimental investigation of bunch compression and its comparison to theory
3   Continue to develop tolerance budgets and optimize the performance by use of start-to-end simulations
4   Study SASE output versus electron bunch charge to investigate the possibility that LCLS performance goals can be achieved for charges lower than 1 nC
Injector and Linac  
1   Establish a resource-loaded schedule for the PED by September 2002
2   Establish a realistic spares list and include in Other Costs of other appropriate area by September 2002
3   Include support for the required injector scientist activity in the commissioning plan by September 2002
4   Move forward with laser prototyping as early as budget permits. Include planning by next review
5   Move forward with prototyping the gun as early as budget permits. Include in planning by next review
6   Perform prototyping and design validation tests on the GTF test stand, integrating as many of the injector components as possible before final integration on the injector linac. Include in the TPC. FY02-FY03.
1   Designate a senior team leader for the LCLS undulator system from within APS whose primary responsibility is to carry forward to successful completion the system before September 2002
2   Develop a resource-staffing plan prior to expenditure of PED funds to meet the requirements during PED design phase by July 2002
3   Decide on the undulator procurement approach by September 2002. This must include who, national lab or industry, will be responsible for what portions of the design, fabrications, measurements, etc. The approach during the preliminary design phase is different depending on the approach.
4   Complete a thorough engineering and production analysis of the undulator mechanical design. Trade offs on the choice of strongback materials, thermal compensation and phasing control, physical tolerances, and relationship between stringent tolerances and post-assembly tuning must be completed. This is to be completed prior to submitting for bid any long lead procurement.
5   Focus the second undulator prototype on addressing mass production issues. The design and technical approaches are sufficiently advanced that production issues are the most urgent. If a second prototype is pursued, this recommendation must be completed prior to CD-3. If industrial production is selected, the second prototype should be produced in industry.
6   Build and field a complete prototype subsystem consisting of an undulator (the existing prototype is adequate), vacuum chamber, a short diagnostic/focus section, and a long diagnostic/focus section. This should include the electron beam diagnostics and x-ray beam diagnostics. This is to be completed prior to CD-3.
7   Assess and ensure that the allocation of the total impedance budget throughout the undulator is complete before CD-2. Specifically, the cavity BPM, x-ray diagnostics, and Cerenkov detector disruptions will impact the allocated impedance of the system.
Installation and alignment  
1   Continue to optimize the approach for minimizing installation interference with linac operations for other programs. Incorporate plan for injector commissioning with installation of other systems. By next review.
Photon Beam Handling Systems  
1   Increase R&D in the damage area as much in advance as possible before experiments take place. At the same time calculations of optical component performance must also be pursued.
2   Increase communication with undulator x-ray diagnostic group.
3   Increase R&D to measure temporal resolution, achieve pulse timing, and measure pulse chirp.
4   Ramp up additional staff with laser expertise on the project at SLAC for commissioning.
5   Include laser specialists and experienced synchrotron radiation users/beamline designer as an integral part of the advisory committee. Consider renaming the Machine Advisory Committee to Facility Advisory Committee.
6   Evaluate the shielding requirements for the connected tubes and other elements.
7   Assess contingencies based on individual component risk analysis.
8   Incorporate lessons learned from 3rd generation light sources for developing optical component specifications and beamline component design.
Control Systems  
1   Consolidate the controls effort under one organizational entity within the LCLS Division. Consider consolidation of the controls WBS elements as well.
2   Centralize at SLAC the design and development of "global" systems, including timing, Machine Protection System and network. Establish standards for naming, technical database and appropriate hardware and software to be applied across the Project.
3   Initiate discussions with LLNL to understand the interface requirements between the x-ray control systems and the accelerator control systems. (Communication with the Undulator controls team at Argonne has already been initiated).
Conventional Facilities  
1   Develop, document and control the top level System Design Requirements for the CF to ensure that the Conceptual Design Report and estimate are adequate by July 1, 2002.
2   Further define System Design Requirements by the completion of Title I.
3   Augment the CF team with more experienced individuals; assign the CF team directly to the LCLS Project Team prior to the start of the Title I development. Engage additional consultants as required to augment the CF Project Manager to develop cost estimates, schedules, and other plans during Title I.
4   Develop a Procurement Plan for the CF work and identify approaches and schedules for civil construction facilities prior to Title I.
5   Perform the geotechnical/biotechnical survey now, with the final report due no later than 9/1/02.
6   Revise the project schedule to perform Title-I design of the CF in concert with the rest of the project, but not later than CD-2.
7   Revise the allocation of contingency to approximately 30%. this is due to the lack of detail in the CDR. As more detail is developed, the contingency should be reduced commensurately.
Cost and Schedule  
1   Cost estimates need to address the committee's concerns - Reevaluate project contingency - especially in conventional facilities
2   Develop a TPC that includes updated TEC and details OPC includes R&D, Capital Equipment, Commissioning, etc.
3   Develop a schedule with critical path including resources to provide support and verify assumptions
  • Staffing levels
  • Funding Profiles
  • Cost estimates
Project Management  
1 Documentation
  • Conventional Facilities part of CDR needs more detail
  • Acquisition Execution Plan must be revised per recommendations
  • Project Execution Plan must be revised and completed to support CD-2 by July 2002
2   Risk Assessment
  • Do a more quantitative risk assessment
  • Create a plan that describes actions that could be taken to mitigate the high level risks that have been identified and then re-evaluate the contingency and schedule to take account of their potential impact and likelihood.
3   Commissioning and Operations
  • LCLS should begin the coordination with the Technical and Research Divisions for compatible operations of the linac for HEP and of the LCLS during commissioning and operation of the LCLS.
4 Management of the Science Program
  • LCLS, SSRL and SLAC management need to define the advisory process for scientific input both on the experimental proposals and on LCLS design by January 2003. As part of this definition, they will need to determine the reporting structure for the SAC and/or other scientific advisory committees
  • SSRL will need to plan for the expanded range of activities involved in constructing and operating experiments for LCLS.
5 Overall Management
  • LCLS should adopt a performance capability to be reached at the completion of construction that will assure that major systems operate successfully and to guarantee that LCLS will ultimately achieve its required performance for science. This should be accomplished before the CD-1 Decision.
  • Make improvements and corrections needed in CD-1 documents so that a CD-1 decision can be made in the July 2002 time frame.


Last Updated: 22 May 2002
Content Owners: John N. Galayda,, SLAC / SSRL
Page Editor: Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SSRL
