Status of the Presentations for the

Department of Energy Review
of the
Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) Project
April 23 - 25, 2002




Final pp


J. Dorfan Welcome 4/23/02 23
2 K. Hodgson LCLS History and Science Overview 4/19/02 12
3 J. Galayda LCLS Overview 4/22/02 26
4 L. Klaisner LCLS Project Management Overview 4/22/02 27
5 C. Pellegrini Status of FEL Physics Research Worldwide 4/15/02 17
6 H.-D. Nuhn LCLS FEL Parameters 4/26/02 20
7 P. Emma Accelerator Physics Considerations for the LCLS Linac 4/15/02 25
8 J. Hastings LCLS Experimental Program and Endstn System (WBS 1.3.2) 4/22/02 17
9 J. Clendenin Injector (WBS 1.2.1) 4/22/02 18
10 V. Bharadwaj Linac (WBS 1.2.2) 4/22/02 23
11 E. Gluskin Undulator Systems (WBS 1.2.3) 4/23/02 26
12 A. Wootton X-Ray Transport Optics and Diagnostics (WBS 1.3.2) 4/22/02 16
13 D. Saenz Conventional Facilities (WBS 1.4) 4/22/02 25
14 J. Galayda Wrap-Up
15 S. Reiche Gain Computation 4/12/02 20
16 C. Limborg Simulations for the LCLS Photo-Injector 5/02/02 14
17 D. Dowell

LCLS Injector / Diagnostics

4/15/02 14
18 P. Bolton Laser 4/15/02 9
19 J. Schmerge Injector Experimental Results 4/15/02 15
20 P. Krejcik Linac Diagnostics 4/16/02 30
21 P. Emma Beam-Based Alignment of the LCLS Undulator 4/15/02 23
22 L. Moog Undulator Line Design 4/15/02 23
23 E. Trakhtenberg LCLS Prototype Undulator Mech. Design and First Test Exp. 4/19/02 24
24 I. Vasserman Undulator Magnetic Measurements


25 G. Stupakov Undulator Vacuum Chamber Roughness 4/17/02 21
26 P. Iliniski Undulator X-Ray Diagnostics 4/19/02 14
27 G. Decker Undulator Section e- Diagnostics 4/22/02 18
28 J. Hastings Endstation Systems 4/22/02 29
29 A. Wootton Overview, Layout and Damage 4/16/02 27
30 J. Arthur Optics 4/22/02 19
31 R. Bionta Diagnostics 4/22/02 30
32 A. Wootton Mechanical and Vacuum 4/22/02 6
33 J. W. Humphrey SLC Control System 4/18/02 11
34 R. Chestnut LCLS EPICS Control Software 4/16/02 25
35 D. Saenz Overview 4/18/02 19
36 V. Bharadwaj Methodology, 1.2.1+1.2.2 Costs/Schedule 4/22/02 26
37 P. Den Hartog Undulator Costs & Schedule 4/22/02 21
38 R. Bionta X-Ray TOD Costs & Schedule 4/22/02 20
39 J. Hastings X-Ray Endstn. Sys. Cost & Schedule 4/22/02 18
40 L. Klaisner Project Contingency / Sched. Analysis 4/20/02 13
41 J. Chan Project Management Control System (PMCS) at SLAC 4/22/02 30
42 J. Galayda PED Plan for FY2003 / 2004, Org. 4/22/02 18
43 I. Evans Safety


44 T. Byler Environmental


45 S. Rokni/W. Nelson /
S. Mao
LCLS Radiological Considerations 4/14/02 49



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Last Updated: 10 Dec 2004
Content Owners: Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SSRL
Page Editor: Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SSRL
