Facility Advisory Committee (FAC) Meeting
April 20-21, 2006


AGENDA (printable version)

LCLS Home Page  w  Backup Documentation  w FAC Closeout Presentations  w FAC Report
Thursday, April 20th

Plenary Session
Location: Orange Room, Building 40

Time	Topic					Presenter
7:30  	Executive Session	
8:00	Welcome					J. Dorfan
8:10	Opening Comments				K. Hodgson
8:20	Project Status Update, and Charge to Committee		J. Galayda
8:50	Safety					M. Scharfenstein
9:00	Project Management				M. Reichanadter
9:20	E-Beam Systems Update				D. Schultz
9:40	Undulator Update				S. Milton
10:00	Break	
10:20	Photon Systems Update				J. Arthur
10:40	Controls Update				H. Shoaee
11:00	Conventional Facilities Update			D. Saenz
11:20	Adjourn to Breakout Sessions (see Breakout Session Agenda)	
  5:30	Executive Session (Orange Conference Room, B040)	
  7:00	Dinner –  Amarin Thai Cuisine			Committee/Speakers 
		174 Castro Street, Mountain View

Breakout Session 1: Design & Construction – Accelerator Systems
Location:  Red Slate Conference Room, Building 280-C

Time           Topic                                        Presenter
11:30am      Injector/Linac System Overview:                                                E. Bong
                           Integration, Installation, & Schedule
12:00 pm     Injector Beamline Design & Fabrication                                     C. Rago
12:30           Lunch - Committee  (Orange Room)
1:30 pm       Laser Installation & Commissioning                                           B. White
2:00 pm       RF Gun Fabrication & Testing                                                   D. Dowell
2:30 pm       Bunch Length Monitor Development                                         S. Smith
3:00 pm       SAD & ARR for Commissioning                                                 D. Schultz
3:30 pm       Break
4:00pm        Physics Commissioning                                                             P. Emma
4:30pm        Discussion                                                                                 All

Breakout Session 2: Design & Construction Undulator Systems
Location:  SSRL 2nd Floor Conference Room, Building 137

Time	Topic					Presenter
11:30am	1st Article Report & Undulator Production Status		S. Milton
12:00pm	Undulator Vacuum System			D. Walters
12:30	Lunch - Committee (Orange Room)
1:30pm	Single Undulator Test Status/Plans			G. Pile
2:00pm	Undulator System Assembly Plans			R. Pope
2:30pm	MMF and Magnetic Measurement			Z. Wolf
3:00pm	Alignment Strategy				H. D. Nuhn
3:30pm	Break
4:00pm	RF BPM Status and Planning			Morrison/Milton
4:30pm	Discussion					All

Breakout Session 3: Design & Construction – XTOD & Experiment Station Systems 
Location:  Yellow Conference Room, Building 041

Time	Topic					Presenter
11:30am	XTOD Planning for 2nd half FY06			D. McMahon
12:00pm	XES Planning for 2nd half FY06			S. Moeller
12:30	Lunch - Committee (Orange Room)
1:30pm	X-ray Transport System				J. Trent
2:00pm	X-ray Slits					J. Trent
2:30pm	X-ray Absorbers				S. Shen
3:00pm	X-ray Beamline and Experiment Layout		J. Arthur
3:30pm	Break
4:00	Discussion					All

Breakout Session 4: Controls  
Location: 	Orange Conference Room, Building 040
Time	Topic					Presenter
11:30am	Controls Organization Overview			H. Shoaee
12:00pm	Timing Systems Update		  		D. Kotturi
12:30	Lunch - Committee (Orange Room)
1:30pm	LLRF Update				R. Akre
2:00pm	Injector/Linac Controls Installation			Shoaee for B. Fuller	
2:30pm	PLC-based Personnel Protection Systems		M. Saleski
3:00pm	High-Level Applications and Feedback		Shoaee for D. Fairley
3:30pm	Break	
4:00pm	Network Security				T. Lahey 

Breakout Session 5: Design and Construction – Conventional Facilities  
Location: ES&H Training Room, Building 003
Time	Topic					Presenter
11:30am	Construction Organization & Processes		D. Saenz
12:00pm	Construction Procurement Management		D. McGiven
12:30	Lunch - Committee (Orange Room)
1:30pm	Construction Safety				R. Hislop
2.00pm	Tunneling Safety & Logistics			R. McDonald
2:30pm	Discussion					All
3:30pm	Break
4:00pm	Discussion					All

Friday, April 21st
Location: See room location listings below
Time	Topic					Presenter
7:30am 	Executive Session				Orange Room, B040
8:00am	Breakout Sessions, continued if necessary
	Breakout 1:  TBD
	Breakout 2:  TBD
	Breakout 3:  TBD
	Breakout 4:  TBD
	Breakout 5:  TBD
10:00am	Executive Session				Orange Room, B040
12:00	Lunch - Committee (Orange Room)
1:30pm	Executive Session				Orange Room, B040
4:00pm	Closeout - Plenary				Orange Room, B040