Harmonic Rejection Mirror PRD

June 15, 2009

Location: SLAC Building 28, Large Conference Room


Supporting Documentation:


These are recent copies of the official documents.

Engineering Specifications for the Harmonic Rejection Mirror System

Physics Specifications for the LUSI Harmonic Rejection Mirror System



Committee Documents

Design Review Attendance Record

Harmonic Rejection Mirror Design Review Report

PDR Checklist


Committee Members

Michael Rowen

Ryan Coffee

Sebastien Boutet



Time  Topic   

 1:00   Physics Requirements - David Fritz

 1:30   HRM Mechanical Design - T. Montagne

 2:30   Questions & Report Writing                                 


 Charge to Committee

  • Review and critique the Physics Requirements and Engineering Specifications documents for the Intensity Position Monitor system
  • Review the preliminary design of the Intensity Position Monitor system.
    1. Does it meet the Physics Requirements
    2. Is the Engineering Specifications Document complete and ready for sign-off
    3. Is the design cost-effective
    4. Are design interfaces identified and communicated to the relevant parties
      1. Controls and software interfaces
      2. Safety review committees
      3. Instrument design teams
    5. Is the component constructable and maintainable
    6. Is quality assurance adequately addressed at this stage of design
    7. Are the cost estimate & schedule reasonable
    8. Is the component design ready to proceed to final design