Facility Advisory Committee (FAC) Meeting
October 27-28, 2005


Printable Agenda			FAC Closeout Presentations     
Response to April 2005 Recommendations             FAC Final Report, Oct 2005       

Thursday, October 27th 
Plenary Session
Location: Redwood Conference Rooms, Building 48
Time	Topic					Presenter
7:30  	Executive Session	
8:00	Welcome and Opening Comments			K. Hodgson
8:20	Project Status Update, CF Updates and Charge to Committee	J. Galayda
9:00	Safety					M. Scharfenstein
9:30	Project Management				M. Reichanadter
10:00	E-Beam Systems Update			D. Schultz
10:30	Break	
10:45	Update on Physics Issues			P. Emma
11:10	Undulator Update				S. Milton
11:35	Photon Systems Overview			J. Arthur
12:00	Conventional Facilities Update			D. Saenz
12:30	Lunch	 
1:30	Breakout Sessions (see Breakout Session Agenda below)	 
5:30	Executive Session (Redwood C/D)	
7:00	Dinner – Nora's Cafe  (Directions / Menu)		Committee and Speakers
 	               201 S. California Avenue, Palo Alto

Breakout Session 1: Design & Construction: Accelerator & Undulator Systems
Location:  Redwood C
Time	Topic					Presenter
1:30	Injector Design/Diagnostics/Gun & Linac RF Design	E. Bong
2:00	Drive-Laser Update				S. Gilevich
2:30	RF Gun Update				H. Loos
	RF Gun Mechanical Design			E. Jongewaard
3:00	Injector Physics and Design			C. Limborg
3:30	Break	
3:45	Undulator Physics Requirements			H-D. Nuhn
4:15	Undulator Metrology				C. Lecocq
4:45	Undulator Cell Mock-up				M. White
5:15	Executive Session (Redwood C/D)	

Breakout Session 2: Design & Construction: XTOD & Experiment Station Systems 
Location:  Redwood A
Time	Topic					Presenter	
1:30	LCLS/LUSI Experiments				J. Arthur
2:00	XTOD Beamline Configuration			D. McMahon
2:30	Attenuators					S. Shen
3:00	Mirrors					M. Pivovaroff
3:30	Break	
3:45	X-Ray Diagnostics				R. Bionta
4:10	X-Ray Detectors				S. Moeller
4:35	Experimental Area Conventional Facilities		S. Moeller
5:00	Discussion	
5:15	Executive Session (Redwood C/D)	

Breakout Session 3: Controls  
Location: Redwood B
Time	Topic					Presenter
1:30	Controls Overview				B. Dalesio
2:00	Integration with SLC  				S. Allison
2:30	RDB					A. Chan
2:45	High Level Apps				D. Fairley
3:15	Break	
3:30	Controls Plans for the 2006 Installation		B. Dalesio
4:00	Laser Control, Camera Interface			S. Peng
4:15	BPM Control				T. Straumann
4:45	Undulator Controls				J. Stein
5:00	X-Ray Transport/Optics/Diagnostics Controls		S. Lewis
5:15	Executive Session (Redwood C/D)	

Breakout Session 4: Design and Construction: Conventional Facilities (Saenz)
Location: Redwood D
Time	Topic					Presenter		
1:30	CF Readiness for CD-3b (Design, Cost & Schedule Maturity)	D. Saenz
2:00	Construction Safety				R. Hislop
2:45	Sector 20 Status				B. Law
3:15	Magnet Measurement Facility Status			J. Sevilla
3:45	Break		
4:00	Discussion
5:15	Executive Session (Redwood C/D)	

 Friday, October 28, 2005

Location: Redwood Conference Rooms 
Time	Topic					Speaker	 

7:30  	Executive Session	
8:00	CSR-Based Bunch Length Monitor			G. Travish
8:30	Breakout Sessions, continued (if necessary)
10:00	Executive Session
12:00	Lunch	
1:30	Executive Session	
4:00	Closeout - Plenary