XRMS is pleased to announce that partial support is available for a limited number of graduate students with demonstrated need. Support will usually be in the form of a waiver of registration fees, and, in a few special cases, help with lodging expenses at Stanford Guest House or Stanford campus housing.
To be eligible, the applicant must be a graduate student at a recognized institution, pursuing studies in the fields of particle physics, particle astrophysics, or cosmology, or a field which is closely related. If the applicant is not a citizen of the United States, applicants must contact Natalie Cramar (nac@slac.stanford.edu) regarding appropriate visa status before they apply.
To apply for support, please supply all the following information by September 1, 2011:
Awards will be announced by September 15th. Your registration fee will be refunded if you paid before September 15th if you are selected.
A block of rooms at the Stanford Guest House (located on SLAC's campus) has been reserved at a special rate.
Please reserve early to ensure availability by using the code "XRMS2011".
September 21, 2011 is the deadline for booking rooms under this rate..
October 22-23, 2011
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
2575 Sand Hill Road
Menlo Park, CA, 94025 USA
KAVLI Auditorium (31-B on map grid)
Natalie Cramar
Bus: 650-926-3648
Email: nac@SLAC.Stanford.EDU