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Synchrotron-Based Studies in the Environmental, Geological, Materials and Life
Sciences: Enhancing Interdisciplinary Graduate Research, Education, and
Training at UTEP
Synchrotron-based research represents the cutting edge of many scientific
sub-disciplines and interdisciplinary areas. In 1999 a program was initiated
with the support and assistance of Iran Thomas to bring training in synchrotron
research to students and faculty on the United States/Mexican border. This
program involves scientific collaborators at SSRL/Stanford and UTEP. The
population represented in this program is largely Hispanic and is rapidly
growing. The objective of the program is to bring members of this group in to
the mainstream of synchrotron research. In this session we report progress in
training students from the United States/Mexican border. The session will also
"showcase" students now entering the world of synchrotron research and the
first-class research that they are performing in areas of materials and
environmental science and engineering geology and the life sciences.
Students, L. Polette, C. Gutierrez Wing and N. Ugarte
(University of Texas), working on a powder diffraction experiment on BL2-1.