October 24-25, 1996
A special emphasis on posters is planned to allow the maximum presentation of work done this year. A cash prize of $200 will be given for the best graduate student poster. The judging will be done by the SSRL Users' Executive Committee. Poster abstracts must be submitted by September 15, 1995.
Abstracts should be typed in Times Roman with 1" margins (top, sides and bottom). The title should be centered, 14 pt, all caps in bold print with the listed authors, single-spaced, centered, in 11 pt, with the poster presenter underlined. The text should be 11 pt, 1.5 spacing and the references single-spaced. Posters to be considered for the Student Award should have: "Graduate Student Poster" in the lower right-hand corner.
Abstracts should be sent to:
Shirley Robinson, SSRL, MS 99, PO Box 4349, Stanford CA 94309-0210
[SSRL Home Page] [SSRL User Research Page]
SLAC 9 Aug 1996 L. Dunn