Change your Password

This is how to change your password on the SSRL VMS cluster. The cluster has changed over the years to being primarily a back-end server; few people actually need accounts on the cluster any more. (If you're using HISTORYPLOT you should probably be using the web version. We're no longer acting as the mail server for SSRL staff, and so on.) If you had an account nd got a message that your password has expired it's very possible that you don't need to reset it.

This is a different password store than Windows or Linux and will only be the same password if you manually changed it to the same thing.

You can change your password on the SSRL VMS server by entering the information requested below and clicking on SUBMIT. You will need to enter your VMS username, your existing password and the new password you wish to use (this last item must be entered twice for verification, as it won't display on the screen).

Your new password must be at least eight characters long, and it must contain characters from at least three of four following sets:

You should ensure that you also change the equivalent password setting within your PC Mail program, to ensure it is synchronized with the one on the server.


Existing Password:

New Password:

Retype New Password:

(Click this button after entering the required fields)

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Last Updated: (none)
Content Owner: Alan Winston
Page Editor: Alan Winston