Schedule for Accelerator Physics Experiments at SSRL
                       February 15 - February 17, 1994             Revision 0.0
                                                              February 11, 1994
      |  Tuesday     February 15, 1994 |  Wednesday   February 16, 1994 |
      |  Wednesday   February 16, 1994 |  Thursday    February 17, 1994 |
06:00 +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ 06:00
      |Influence of 30 Hz SLAC Linac   |Use Orbit Measurements to       |
      |Operation on SPEAR.**           |Determine Misalignments of BPMs.| 
      |[Cornacchia] et. al.            |[Sebek], Bocek, Hernandez,      | 
      |--- 3 hours in User Run Mode ---|Lihn                            |
      |                                |8 hours                         |
09:00 |    ------------------------    |                                |       
      |Influence of 30 Hz SLAC Linac   |                                |
      |Operation on SPEAR. *           |                                |
      |[Cornacchia] et. al.            |                                |
      |9 hours            *            |                                |      
      |                                |                                |
      |                                |                                |
      |                                |                                |
      |                                |                                |
      |                                |                                |      
      |                                +--------------------------------+ 14:00
      |                                |Measurement of Insertion Device |
      |                                |Trim Tables.**                  |       
      |                                |[Guerra], Nuhn                  |       
      |                                |6 hours                         |
      |                                |                                |    
      |                                |                                | 
      |                                |                                |
18:00 +--------------------------------+                                |      
      |Global Orbit Feedback.*         |                                |
      |[Corbett], Keeley               |                                |
      |6 hours                         |                                |
      |                                +--------------------------------+ 20:00
      |                                |Software Control of the BTS.    |
      |                                |[Wu], Nuhn                      |
      |                                |6 hours                         | 
      |                                |                                |
      |                                |                                |
      |                                |                                |      
      |                                |                                |      
 0:00 +--------------------------------+                                |
      |Steering of the Beamline 5      |                                |       
      |Undulator and Monochromator.**  |                                |      
      |[Dessau], Matsuura, Park        |                                |  
      |6 hours                         +--------------------------------+ 02:00
      |                                |Prepare for User Run in Timing  | 
      |                                |Mode at 06:00                   |      
      |                                |[SPEAR Operator]                |
      |                                |4 hours                         |
      |                                |                                |
      |                                |                                |
      |                                |                                |
06:00 +--------------------------------+--------------------------------+ 06:00
                         Do not exceed 100 mA in SPEAR
Explanation: []    =  Spokesperson(s); <> = Not present during experiment;
             **,*  =  Beam all or part of the time available for users, resp.
Program manager: Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, X2275, Home 9-691-9453, page 9-807-4730.

[Accelerator Physics Schedule] [SSRL Accelerator Physics Page] [SSRL Home Page]

Heinz-Dieter Nuhn, SSRL 2 February 1996