Sam Webb

I am a beamline scientist at the Stanford Synchrotron Research Laboratory (SSRL).  My current research interests involve investigating microbial oxidation of manganese as well as developing computer programs for the analysis of EXAFS and diffraction data.

Synchrotron Sources

·      Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory

·      Advanced Photon Source


·      Molecular Environmental Science

·      Environmental Remediation Science at SSRL

·      DND-CAT


·      Ph.D. Thesis

·      Other Papers

Analysis Software    

·      EXAFS Packages   

·      SixPACK                                  (updated 2-19-10)

·       Microprobe Imaging    

·      SMAK                                 

·       Diffraction Analysis    

·      Area Diffraction Machine

·      XRD-BS                                 


·      Manganese Oxidation

§      Metal incorporation into biogenic oxides

§      Mechanisms of manganese oxidation

Curriculum Vitae


Sam Webb

SSRL/SLAC Bldg. 137, MS69

2575 Sand Hill Rd.

Menlo Park, CA  94025



voice:      (650) 926-3734

fax:          (650) 926-4100