RESPONSIBLE STAFF: Bart Johnson - technical support 
John Arthur - scientific support
MIRROR: Bent cylinder, Single crystal Si, Rh-coated 
Radii: 2945 m (adjustable) x 56.1 mm 
Mean angle of incidence: 4.36 mrad 
Cut off energy: 14.5 keV 
Magnification: 1.0 
MONOCHROMATOR: Two crystal, Si(111), Si(220) available 
Upward reflecting
ENERGY RANGE: 2,400 eV - 15,500 eV focused 
2,400 eV - 45,000 eV unfocused 
0 - 1.2 mrad focused 
0 - 1.0 mrad unfocused
SPOT SIZE: 0.27 mm x 2.3 mm (FWHM) focused 
2 mm x 20 mm unfocused 
ABSORPTION: 546 micron Be 
2,4 m He 
15.2 micron C
WIGGLER: 18.0 Tesla 
4 periods
Digital AlphaStation 500/266 w/21" monitor
96 Mb main memory
2 SCSI disk drive
CDROM, 3.5" floppy
Kinetic System Corp. Grand Interconnect Ethernet controller
CAMAC crate:
hex scaler, real time clock, stepping motor controllers (2), 
up-down counters, digital to analog converter 
NIM Electronics:
voltage to frequency converter (2) 
amplifiers, SCAs, rate meters 
ion chambers (2), current amplifiers (2) 
sample positioners (1), PMTs (2), Ortec Ge detector (1) 
motorized slits: symmetric opening, (2 sets) 
Diffractometer Control Software: SUPER
INTERIOR HUTCH DIMENSIONS: 2.4 m long x 2.9 m high x 2.4 m wide
RESEARCH: Station has dedicated 6-circle diffractometer 

A Huber 6-circle diffractometer is permanently installed on Bl7-2 for high-resolution x-ray scattering research. The six spectrometer degrees of freedom are (theta,chi,phi) for the sample, and (2-theta, theta-analyzer,2-theta-analyzer) for the detector. In addition, the input wavelength can be scanned, and the spectrometer coordinates can be remotely adjusted. Software is available for scanning between an arbitrary pair of reciprocal lattice vectors.

Because of high demand, research is confined to problems that can only be addressed with this unique facility. Typical programs involve intrinsically weak scattering systems, such as two-dimensional arrays and high-resolution 3-D problems.

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Updated January 5, 2000

Bart Johnson