Recent Advances in Medical Applications of Synchrotron Radiation Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory March 4-5, 2002 Program Director: Edward Rubenstein |
Scientists from ALS, APS, Ben-Gurion, BNL, Elletra, ESRF, HASYLAB, KEK, LLNL,
NSLS, SPring-8, SSRL, the Stanford Medical Center, the UCSF Medical Center
and the University of Oregon met at SLAC on March 4-5 to discuss the results
of their current research on medical uses of synchrotron radiation.
A number of themes emerged. First, it is apparent that as medicine is becoming molecular, researchers in this discipline are focusing on ever more detailed use of information to understand disease and design drugs to intervene. The initial medical use of synchrotron radiation in coronary angiography studies continues to evolve and the images have reached exceedingly high quality. Capillary perfusion of the myocardium is now being quantified. Striking images of the interior of the ossicles were presented, and new approaches to the study of pulmonary airways, the lung parenchyma, the cerebral vasculature and the choroid plexus were discussed. Novel approaches have resulted in substantial improvements in breast imaging. Many of the advances are the result of new optical systems based on phase contrast, x-ray interferometry, and diffraction enhanced imaging. The latter method is under development in a number of laboratories. Novel dark field images were presented as well. Advances are also being made in radiotherapy using microbeams and Auger electrons. Several papers discussed the forthcoming development of compact storage rings dedicated to medical use. Just as storage rings have passed through several generations, two generations of investigators in this field were represented at the meeting. Former trainees are now international leaders. This was the first international workshop on medical uses of synchrotron radiation to be held at SSRL, where the field was born, nearly 23 years ago. | ||||||||||||||
Agenda Monday March 4, 2002 |
Session Chair: William Thomlinson
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Afternoon Session Chair: Wolf-Rainer Dix |
Tuesday, March 5, 2002 |
Session Chair: Masami Ando
Afternoon Session Chair: Dean Chapman |
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