Beam Line Update

Index of Topics:
  1. Third Generation Light Souce
  2. First SPEAR3 Light Seen in Early March
  3. Beam Line Availability
  4. Access to SSRL Beam Lines

Third Generation Light Source

SSRL entered a new era of synchrotron radiation experimentation with the completion of the SPEAR3 upgrade project in the Fall of 2003 (find more SPEAR3 news at The SPEAR3 storage ring now produces beams having one to two orders of magnitude higher brightness and flux density than the old SPEAR2 ring, will accommodate new high performance insertion devices and beam lines, and will be capable of injections without ramping by virtue of its improved at-energy injection system. Brightness for new undulators will exceed 1018 at 5 keV.

SPEAR3 will operate at 100 mA for at least the first scheduling period in 2005 while beam line optical components are upgraded and radiation shielding is added for higher current operation. Operations at higher currents is planned to start later during 2005/2006.

First SPEAR3 Light Seen in Early March 2004

A major milestone for the SPEAR3 commissioning and resumption of SSRL user operations occurred when first light was brought into Beam Line 9-3 on March 8, 2004. The light observed on the monitor inside BL9-3's hutch showed banding which is consistent with the effect of the separated pole pairs in the wiggler viewed at the 5-mrad off-axis observation angle of BL9-3. This effect could not be seen with the old SPEAR2 ring as its source size was so big that the radiation from each pole pair could not be resolved, so the effect of the reduced source size on SPEAR3 was immediately seen. Light was subsequently brought into several other beam lines during the 2004 run, including BL 1-4, 1-5, 2-1, 2-3, 4-2, 5-4, 6-2, 7-2, 8-1, 8-2, 9-1, 9-2, 10-1, 10-1, 11-1, 11-2, and 11-3. These beam lines are already showing improved performance under SPEAR3:

  • The performance of the BL6-2 Pt-coated fused silica M0 mirror, although not upgraded for SPEAR3, reflects the much smaller source size of SPEAR3. The horizontal width measures 860 microns (FWHM), a much smaller value than the SPEAR2 value of 2.3 mm.

  • A standard myoglobin data set was taken March 16, on BL9-1. The resulting anomalous difference map produced a superb Fe peak of 17 sigma at 12 KeV. This compares to an iron anomalous peak of 13 sigma in similar myoglobin tests in previous years on BL9-1.

  • The focused beam size on BL9-2 is ~1/3 the area compared to the size of the beam operating under SPEAR2 and there is a commensurate increase of ~3X in intensity. Diffraction images of small 65 micron crystal of Mb only required a short 5 second exposure time and produced an anomalous Fe peak of 20 Sigma at 12 KeV.


Beam Line Availability

Operating and beam time schedules are available on the web at: Information on the projected capabilities of SSRL experimental stations with SPEAR3 is available at The status of SSRL beam lines, the various techniques on each, and the projected date when regular user scheduling resumes is summarized below:

Beam Line Beam Line
Beam Time
Technique(s) User
1-4 BM Side Station X-ray Small and Wide Angle X-ray Scattering July 2004
1-5 BM End Station MC MAD, Monochromatic July 2004
2-1 BM End Station X-ray Powder Diffraction May 2004
2-2 BM Side Station X-ray Michromachining, Topography, White Beam, LIGA March 2005
2-3 BM Side Station X-ray XAS, Instrumentation development and Calibration April 2004
3-1 BM Side Station X-ray LIGA April 2005
3-3 BM End Station VUV XAS, XSW, Photoemission, TXRF TBD
4-1 ID Side Station X-ray XAS, XSW 2007
4-2 ID End Station X-ray Small Angle X-ray Scattering/Diffraction May 2004
4-3 ID Side Station X-ray XAS 2007
5-1 ID Station VUV Circular Polarization, NEXAFS, Photoemission 2005
5-2 ID Station VUV Circular Polarization, NEXAFS, Photoemission 2005
5-4 ID Station VUV Ultra-High Energy Resolution Photoemission March 2004
6-2 ID End Station X-ray XAS, TXRF April 2004
7-1 ID Side Station MC Monochromatic, SAD 2006
7-2 ID End Station X-ray High Magnetic Field X-ray Scattering, X-ray Scattering, XAS April 2004
7-3 ID Side Station X-ray SMB XAS 2006
8-1 BM Station VUV Photoemission June 2004
8-2 MB Station VUV NEXAFS, Photoemission May 2004
9-1 ID Side Station MC Monochromatic, SAD/MAD March 2004
9-2 ID End Station MC MAD, Monochromatic March 2004
9-3 ID Side Station X-ray SMB XAS March 2004
10-1 ID Side Station VUV NEXAFS, Photoemission, SGM April 2004
10-2 ID End Station X-ray X-ray Scattering, XAS, Tomography March 2004
11-1 ID Side Station MC Monochromatic, SAD April 2004
11-2 ID End Station X-ray MES XAS, GIXAS April 2004
11-3 ID Side Station X-ray, MC X-ray Diffraction, Monochromatic, SAD April 2004
*Projections could vary depending upon completion of upgrade activities and radiation shielding.
For more specific information on each beam line, see the tables at:


Access to SSRL Beam Lines

SSRL is a national facility for use by scientific researchers from academia, industry, and national laboratories. Accessing SSRL's experimental facilities begins by submitting a proposal and requesting beam time; see instructions at
Last Updated: 18 JAN 2005
Content Owner: C. Knotts
Page Editor: L. Dunn