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![]() Daniel J. Needleman,1-4 Miguel A. Ojeda-Lopez,1-4 Uri Raviv,1-4 Herbert P. Miller,3,4 Leslie Wilson,3,4 and Cyrus R. Safinya1-4 Departments of 1Materials, 2Physics, and 3Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, and 4Biomolecular Science and Engineering Program, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106
Cellular factors tightly regulate the architecture of bundles of filamentous
cytoskeletal proteins, giving rise to assemblies with distinct morphologies and
physical properties, and a similar control of the supramolecular organization
of nanotubes and nanorods in synthetic materials is highly desirable. However,
it is unknown what principles determine how macromolecular interactions lead to
assemblies with defined morphologies. In this study we present our findings on
the assembly behavior of multivalent cations and microtubules (MTs), a
cytoskeletal polymer and model nanoscale tubule (1).
Tightly packed hexagonal bundles with controllable diameters are observed for
large tri-, tetra-, and pentavalent counterions [Figure 1]. Unexpectedly, in
the presence of small divalent cations, we have discovered a living necklace
bundle phase, comprised of dynamical assemblies of MT nematic membranes with
linear, branched, and loop topologies [Figure 1]. The morphologically distinct
MT assemblies give insight into general features of bundle formation and may be
used as templates for miniaturized materials with applications in
nanotechnology and biotechnology.
Figure 1.
Three dimensional schematics of higher order assembly of nanometer scale
microtubules. Large tri-, tetra-, and pentavalent cations lead to the formation
of hexagonal bundles (left). Small divalent cations lead to the living necklace
bundles with linear, branched, and loop morphologies (right). The distinct
bundle phases allow for tailored applications in miniaturized materials
requiring high volume (hexagonal bundles) or high surface area (necklace
The structure of these supramolecular assemblies was elucidated on length
scales from subnanometer to micrometer with synchrotron x-ray diffraction,
transmission electron microscopy, and differential interference contrast
microscopy. The mesoscopic structure of MT bundles is shown in video-enhanced
DIC images of Figure 2A. The bundles formed in the presence of large, tri-,
tetra-, and pentavalent cations, (such as Spermine 4+) appear thick and curved,
while bundles formed with small divalent cations (such as Ba 2+) are straight.
Individual MTs can easily be resolved with TEM, which clearly shows that
bundles formed with large multivalent ions are thick, with MTs tightly packed
into a hexagonal array [Figure 2B]. A radically different bundle structure,
which we refer to as the living necklace bundle phase of MTs, is observed when
the condensing ions are small, divalent cations. On the nanometer scale, TEM
shows that these necklace bundles are highly flexible in cross-section, giving
rise to topologically distinct linear, branched, and loop morphologies [Figure
Figure 2. (A)
Differential interference contrast (DIC) optical micrographs of hexagonal
microtubule (MT) bundles with 4+ (5 mM spermine) and 2+ (100 mM
BaCl2). (B) (left) whole mount TEM side view of hexagonal MT bundles
(10 mM spermine) and (right) plastic embedded TEM cross section. (C) Plastic
embedded TEM cross sections of bundles with 100 mM BaCl2 showing
(left) linear, (center) loop-like and (right) branched morphologies.
We have performed a series of synchrotron small angle x-ray scattering and
diffraction (SAXRD) experiments at SSRL on Beam Line 4-2 to gain further
insight into the angstrom scale structure of these MT bundles. Figure 3A
shows representative raw SAXRD scans that have been integrated 360° from a
powder pattern on a 2D detector, and are displayed as a function of the
scattering vector, q. To quantitatively model this data, we have
subtracted a background that consists of a polynomial that passes through the
minimum of the scattering intensities [Figure 3B]. The MTs are modeled as
hollow cylinders with an outer radius of 12.9 nm and a wall thickness of 3.2 nm
[Fig 3B, No Cation]. The tight bundle phase, for ions with valence five to
three, are modeled as a collection of hollow cylinders, with the dimensions
given above, packed into a hexagonal lattice. These bundles are finite-size,
hexagonal, columnar liquid crystals (2). The average
bundle thickness can be determined from the peak width using Warren's
approximation (3). As the charge of the condensing ion
decreases from 5+, to 4+, to 3+ the MT center-to-center distance increases and
the bundle size decreases [Figure 3C]. SAXRD scans of bundles assembled with
divalent ions display very broad peaks [Figure 3A, 2+], in contrast with the
tight bundle phase. Indeed, instead of the hexagonal bundles observed with
larger multivalent ions, detailed analysis shows that this SAXRD data can be
quantitatively modeled as arising from a dimer of MTs. The only fit parameter
is the MT-MT spacing [Figure 3C, left, Ca2+, Ba2+,
Sr2+]. The SAXRD data combined with TEM results [Figure 2C] show
that these living bundles are finite size, locally two dimensional membranes
with nematic ordering, i.e. they consist of rod-like subunits (MTs) that
spontaneously break symmetry by orienting but show only short range positional
order. These bundles are an experimental realization of nematic membranes which
have recently been predicted as a new universality class of membrane
Figure 3.
(A) Raw SAXRD scattering data for MTs with no cation, (2+) 115 mM
BaCl2, (3+)
15 mM spermidine, (4+) 5 mM spermine, or (5+) 5 mM oligolysine-five with
hexagonal bundle peaks indexed. (B) Data in (A) after background subtraction
(dots) with fitted model scattering curves (lines). (C) Summary of SAXRD
scattering fit parameters of MT bundles with CaCl2,
SrCl2, BaCl2, oligoamines
(spermidine and spermine), and oligolysines.
The bundles studied here have been created through nonspecific interactions so
the living necklace bundle phase is likely to be a general feature of rod-like
polyelectrolytes, as the hexagonal bundle phase is. These living necklace
bundles are highly asymmetric self-assembled membranes of MTs with nematic in
plane ordering and varying topology. The model system studied here may be
viewed as a step toward understanding how varying microscopic interactions lead
to the wide variety of MT bundles observed in vivo (5). In
addition to providing insight into the fundamental physics of rod-like
polyelectrolytes and the general determinants of bundle structure, the control
of bundle morphology demonstrated here may help to assemble nanostructures for
engineering and biomedical applications.
Supported by NSF grant DMR 0203755 and NIH grants GM-59288 and NS-13560.
Further supported was provided by NSF CTS 0404444, CTS 0103516, and the
Department of Energy's Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Contract No.
W-7405-ENG-36 with the University of California. U. Raviv acknowledges the
support of the International Human Frontier Science Program Organization. The
Materials Research Science and Engineering Center at UCSB is supported by NSF
DMR-0080034. Portions of this research were carried out at the Stanford
Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, a national user facility operated by Stanford
University on behalf of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy
Sciences. The SSRL Structural Molecular Biology Program is supported by the
Department of Energy, Office of Biological and Environmental Research, and by
the National Institutes of Health, National Center for Research Resources,
Biomedical Technology Program.
Primary Citation:
Needleman, D.J., Ojeda-Lopez, M.A., Raviv, U., Miller, H.P., Wilson, L.,
Safinya, C.R. (2004) Proc. Nat. Ac. Sci.
101, 16099-16103