Chemical Structure of Arsenic and
Chromium in
Chromated Copper Arsenate (CCA) Treated Wood
summary written by Heather Woods, SLAC Communication
Peter S. Nico1, Scott E. Fendorf2,
Yvette W. Lowney3, Stewart E. Holm4,
and Michael V. Ruby3
1Chemistry Department, Cal State University, Stanislaus, Turlock, CA
2Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA
3Exponent, Boulder, CO
4Georgia-Pacific Corporation, Atlanta, Georgia
The chemically treated wood used for playgrounds, fences and decks appears to
be less toxic than feared. The chromated copper arsenate (CCA) mix protects
commercial outdoor grade lumber from weathering, but in recent years the
and the government realized the chemicals could be potentially risky to the
many people exposed to the ubiquitous wood. Recent analyses done at SSRL show
that the arsenic and chromium is in a relatively stable chemical state and is
bound to the wood fibers. Contrary to previous estimates of arsenic exposure,
the research by Peter Nico of California State University, Stanislaus, and his
colleagues supports the conclusion found that arsenic appears to be more
than previously believed against leaching and subsequent absorption into the
skin of those who come in contact with CCA-treated lumber.
The Environmental Protection Agency is preparing a human health risk
assessment. The agency had initially estimated that the major routes of
CCA-related arsenic exposure to younger children would be half from dermal
absorption (through the skin), nearly half from ingestion, and 4% from
to arsenic-containing soils. The SSRL research resolved for the first time the
chemical and structural states of the chemicals coating the wood, to better
determine the actual risks of coming in contact with CCA-treated lumber. An
x-ray technique called XANES yielded crucial information on the oxidation
states of arsenic and chromium, showing the two chemicals to be in their less
toxic forms. Their molecular structures, obtained through extended x-ray
absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy, show that the chemicals are in
a fairly stable state and that they remain tightly bound to the wood despite
Eviron. Sci. Technol.. 2004 Sep;
38(19):5253-5260 [10.1021/es0351342]