SSRL Headlines Vol. 6, No. 4 October, 2005
Contents of this Issue:
1. Director's Report
(contact: Jo
Stöhr, stohr@slac.stanford.edu)
In my first note to you as the new SSRL Director I would like to start by
asking for your support in building a world-class SSRL synchrotron radiation
program that fully utilizes the capabilities of our new ring SPEAR3. Based on
input from SSRL users and the SSRL staff and faculty, and reviewed by an
external committee and the SSRL Proposal Review Committee, I have recently
presented my vision for SSRL at the annual SSRL Users' Meeting. If you did not
hear this talk I encourage you to take a look at the presentation at:
 | |
Britt Hedman | |
Piero Pianetta | |
One of my first actions was to form an effective management team that will
continue the leadership provided by the previous Director Keith Hodgson. As
announced in the press release (see below) I have asked Piero Pianetta and
Britt Hedman to become SSRL Deputy Directors. Piero and Britt have the
scientific credentials as well as the managerial skills for this important
position. I have known them both personally for more than twenty years and
have followed their scientific careers. Both are professors on the SSRL
faculty. Britt is a chemist with interests in both chemistry and biology and
Piero's expertise lies in various areas related to materials science. During my
tenure as SSRL Deputy Director over the last five years I have come to
appreciate not only their scientific expertise, but also their great managerial
skills. I want them by my side leading SSRL into a future filled with great
scientific opportunities. Britt will continue to manage the area of Structural
Molecular Biology and Piero the area of Chemical and Materials Science at SSRL.
Below are some other newsworthy points.
User Run Extended to August 7, 2006. The X-ray/VUV schedule
for the first period (November 28 - February 2006) in the next user
experimental run will be finalized and posted to the web shortly. The SSRL
Directorate recently evaluated a number of factors and decided not to run
between the two holiday breaks (December 27-31, 2005) as originally planned.
Instead we will extend the run by 7 days (August 1-7, 2006). This extension
gives us a net increase of 3 days over the originally projected schedule with
the added benefit of having 7 more beam lines in operation than would be
available during the December 27-31, 2005 time period. The SPEAR3 schedule is
posted at: http://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/schedules/06_run.pdf
Phil Bucksbaum |
Phil Bucksbaum Named First Director of the Stanford Ultrafast Science
Center. The growing field of ultrafast science gained significant momentum
in October with the announcement of Phil Bucksbaum as the first director for
the new Stanford Ultrafast Science Center. Phil joined the SSRL and Applied
Physics faculties at Stanford University to lead the center, which is a
partnership between Stanford and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Bucksbaum
is an atomic physicist, and until now, Director of the National Science
Foundation's Center for the Advancement of Frontiers in Optical Coherent
Ultrafast Science (FOCUS) at the University of Michigan, where he remains the
Peter Franken Distinguished University Professor of Physics this academic year.
The Stanford Center is bringing together scientists with distinct expertise to
develop groundbreaking experiments for, and push the performance of, the Linac
Coherent Light Source (LCLS) that combines x-ray and laser properties. The
LCLS, which will begin operating at SLAC in 2009, will offer new ways of
studying and constructing nanotechnology devices; will be able to capture the
structural rearrangements of atoms in reactions like photosynthesis and
catalysis; will create and probe extreme states of matter (types of plasmas),
found in the cores of giant planets and proto-stars; and will explore how
proteins function as the engines of life, which is highly relevant to health
and disease research as well as to DOE missions to develop clean energy
Z.X. Shen |
Z.X. Shen Named New Director of the Stanford Geballe Laboratory for Advanced
Materials. Zhi-Xun (Z.X.) Shen, Professor of Physics, Applied Physics, and
SSRL agreed to become the new Director of the Stanford Geballe Laboratory for
Advanced Materials (GLAM) for a three-year term beginning September 1, 2005.
Prior to this appointment, Professor Malcolm (Mac) Beasley, served as the GLAM
director with Z.X. acting as deputy director this past year. Z.X. completed his
Ph.D. at Stanford University and joined its faculty in 1989. His research
interests include the study of the physical properties of complex materials. He
is best known for his pioneering high-resolution angle-resolved photoemission
work on the high Tc superconductors which started at SSRL. We look forward to
continuing to have Z.X. as one of our outstanding users and broaden and enhance
our coupling with GLAM.
2. Science Highlight —
Terror of the Tudor Seas Suffers from Sulfur
Magnus Sandström, magnuss@struc.su.se)
The Mary Rose |
Henry VIII's warship, the Mary Rose, wreaked havoc on the French navy
for 34 years until she was wrecked in 1545. Salvaged from the sea in 1982, she
now rests in the Mary Rose Museum in Portsmouth, England. Pieces of her
helm recently traveled to SSRL and the ESRF in Grenoble, France, where intense
x-rays pierced the wood to analyze the sulfur and iron within. Led by
University of Stockholm Professor Magnus Sandström, researchers had studied
another historical treasure, the Swedish warship Vasa, at SSRL in a
similar way in 2001.
Measurements at SSRL revealed the presence of five major organosulfur compounds
and iron sulfides as well as elemental sulfur, and allowed for the
determination of their relative amounts. The ESRF data, obtained through
scanning x-ray absorption spectro-microscopy, enabled the spatial mapping of
reactive sulfur species in small samples of the oak timbers, such as the
distribution of reduced and oxidized sulfur species. Exposed to the oxygen in
air, the iron from corroded iron bolts in the ship catalyzes the oxidation of
sulfur in the timbers into sulfuric acid, which could slowly degrade the wood
until its stability is lost. The ship is in no immediate danger, however,
because the acid is continually washed away during conservation. A spray
treatment replaces the water in the degraded wood with aqueous polyethylene
glycol, to prevent the wood from shrinking or developing cracks as it dries
out. The researchers suggest that long-term preservation requires chemical
treatments to remove or stabilize the remaining iron and sulfur compounds, and
reducing humidity and access to oxygen.
3. Science Highlight —
Cationic Liposome-Microtubule Complexes: Lipid-Protein Bio-Nanotubes with Open
or Closed Ends
Cyrus R. Safinya, safinya@mrl.ucsb.edu; Uri Raviv, raviv@mrl.ucsb.edu)
 | |
Sketch of Lipid protein nanotube (LPN). | |
Microtubules, 25 nanometer scale hollow tubules, are critical components in a
broad range of functions in eukaryotic cells -- from providing tracks for the
transport of cargo to forming the spindle structure for chromosome segregation
before cell division. They are used as nanometer scale tracks in neurons for
the transport of neurotransmitter precursors and enzymes to synaptic junctions
in nerve cell communication.
A group of researchers from the University of California at Santa Barbara have
recently reported in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA
(vol. 102, no. 32, 11167-11172, 2005) on a new paradigm for lipid self-assembly
leading to nanotubule formation in mixed charged systems with potential
applications in gene and drug delivery. The bio-nanotubule results from the
interaction between microtubules, which are overall negatively charged and
cationic lipid membranes. Combining sophisticated analysis of SSRL synchrotron
x-ray scattering data with high-resolution transmission electron microscopy
elucidated the precise structure of the lipid-protein nanotube.
Significantly, controlling the degree of overcharging of the lipid-protein
nanotube enables one to switch between two states of the nanotubes with either
open or closed ends, which forms the basis for controlled chemical and drug or
therapeutic nucleic acid encapsulation and release. The research was supported
by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health
SSRL Users' Organization Executive Committee Update
Joy Andrews (SSRLUOEC Chair), joy.andrews@csueastbay.edu;
Glenn Waychunas
(SSRLUOEC 2004/2005 Chair), gawaychunas@lbl.gov)
User Representatives Welcomed to the SSRLUOEC. We are pleased to
the election of the following user representatives to the SSRL Users'
Organization Executive Committee (SSRLUOEC): Chris Kim
(environmental/geosciences representative and new SSRLUOEC vice-chair from
Chapman University), Robert Szilagyi (biospectroscopy representative
from Montana State University), Zsuzsa Hamburger (crystallography
representative from Stanford University), Stepháne Richard
(crystallography representative from Salk Institute), and Jesse Guzman
(graduate student representative from UC Santa Cruz). The SSRLUOEC represents
the interests of users, so please contact
us to share your feedback, make suggestions, or to get more involved in your
user community. The SSRLUOEC meets periodically and coordinates activities
with representatives from other DOE user facilities to promote and sustain
support for basic sciences as well as user facilities such as SSRL to numerous
constituencies. Your input and support of these activities is vital, and we
urge you to become more engaged in these activities.
(front row from left) J. Acrivos, R. Szilagyi,
R. Lee, J. Guzman, J. Andrews, L. Downward (back row from left)
C. Knotts, W.
Schlotter, Z. Hamburger, M. Brzustowicz, G. Waychunas, C. Kim, S. Richard |
Coordinated Efforts Amongst Synchrotron and Neutron User Facilities. On
October 17, the SSRLUOEC hosted a meeting of user representatives from DOE BES
synchrotron and neutron scattering facilities and a few invited guests. At
this meeting, an Advocacy Steering Committee was formed to continue the
momentum gained from the joint and coordinated efforts of the newly formed
Synchrotron and Neutron User's Group (SNUG). One of the first priorities of
this group will be to work with the scientific users to facilitate contacts
with Congressional representatives and others to emphasize the need for
increased funding in the basic energy sciences in order to meet the nation's
needs in homeland security, national defense, energy security, economic growth,
biomedicine and training the scientific and engineering workforce of the
future. Near-term goals of this group will be to update U.S. statistics and
highlight recent user research emphasizing applications to these mission
issues. Users interested in becoming more involved with this new committee are
encouraged to contact us directly. Users are also encouraged to read the
recent report, Benchmarks of our Innovation Future, at
Over 300 People Participate in SSRL32 Users' Meeting & Workshops
Joy Andrews, joy.andrews@csueastbay.edu; Clyde Smith, csmith@slac.stanford.edu;
Cathy Knotts, knotts@slac.stanford.edu)
We wish to extend a special note of thanks to the participants as well as the
SSRL user services and administrative
staff for an outstanding Users' Meeting!
Over 300 people participated in the 32nd Annual Users' Meeting, workshops, and
social events on October 15-19, 2005 (SSRL32). In the opening session, SLAC
Monday afternoon poster session |
Director Jonathan Dorfan and SLAC
Deputy Director Keith Hodgson welcomed users
and gave introductory remarks. Jo Stöhr, newly appointed SSRL Director,
presented his vision for SPEAR3 and plans for the future. Ian Evans, SSRL
Safety Officer, gave a safety refresher talk. SSRLUOEC Chair Glenn Waychunas
discussed recent activities of the SSRL Users' Organization, including a
summary of material prepared for a DC trip last spring. Mike Lubell (Director
of Public Affairs, American Physical Society and Chairman, Department of
Physics, CCNY) gave a "Washington Update" and encouraged users to become more
engaged in supporting science and scientific facilities. Pat Dehmer, Associate
Director of Science for DOE Basic Energy Sciences, gave an update from the
perspective of the DOE Office of Science. In a special session on 'Pioneers in
Spectroscopy', Ken Sauer presented Mel Klein's contributions and his impact on
the field of XAS; Farrel Lytle discussed the contributions and impact of Dale
Sayers' groundbreaking work in EXAFS; and Uwe Bergmann shared exciting initial
results from data collected on SSRL BL6-2 to reveal part of an ancient
manuscript by Archimedes. Numerous other scientific sessions focused on
structural genomics, a sampling of materials research from representatives of
each of the DOE synchrotrons; presentations by young investigators including
the inaugural 2004 William E. Spicer Young Investigator Awardee, N. Peter
Armitage (Johns Hopkins) and the 2005 Spicer Young Investigator Awardee,
Stepháne Richard (Salk Institute); ultrafast science; and a session for updates
related to SPEAR3 operations and beam line developments (including a discussion
of top-off mode). Several attendees requested copies of speaker presentations,
and as these become available, they will be posted to the meeting website.
47 users submitted abstracts for presentation at the poster session on October
17. Several awards were presented at the awards dinner on Monday evening,
including prizes for three outstanding graduate student posters:
Mary Corbett, X-ray Studies of P-Cluster Biosynthesis in the Nitrogenase
Enzyme System (Stanford University)
Elena Slonkina, XAS Evidence of Pd-Oxo Formation in a Pd-Containing
Polyoxometalate Complex (Stanford University)
Kate Tufano, Stimulated Migration of Arsenic by Reductive
Transformation of Iron (Stanford University).
Additionally, four workshops were held in conjunction with SSRL32 to give users
the opportunity to explore several techniques in more depth and, in many cases,
gain hands-on experience and training in using beam line instruments.
Advances in X-Ray Scattering/Diffraction Studies on Non-Crystalline
Biological Systems Workshop
Soft X-Ray Science at LCLS
The Role of Small Angle X-Ray Scattering in Materials Science
Remote Access for Macromolecular Crystallography Beam Lines.
Besides the excellent science, friendly camaraderie, and delicious
refreshments, a highlight of the Users' Meeting was a concert by
singer-songwriter-recording artist, Kyler England, who performed live at
Congratulations to Donghui Lu, Recipient of the 2005 Farrel Lytle Award
Donghui Liu and Jo Stöhr |
At the awards dinner on October 17, SSRL Director Jo Stöhr presented the 8th
Annual Farrel Lytle Award to SSRL beam line scientist Donghui Lu. In addition
to Jo's congratulatory remarks Z.X. Shen read from several letters supporting
the nomination of Donghui which described specific examples of Donghui's
significant dedication to users and to the field of photoemission spectroscopy.
The citation on the award acknowledged Donghui's remarkable technical skill,
dedication to science, drive, commitment to the user community, positive
attitude and generous personality, which enables users to achieve the maximum
scientific output at SSRL Beam Line 5. The award consists of a certificate,
$1,000, and a commemorative plaque which is updated annually and is on display
in the user services office.
Stepháne Richard Receives W.E. Spicer Young Investigator Award
Stepháne Richard and Jo Stöhr |
The second annual Young Investigator Award which honors SSRL pioneer William E.
Spicer (1929-2004) was awarded to Stepháne Richard from the Salk Institute on
October 17. This Award recognizes a young scientist who has made important
technical or scientific contributions that benefit from or are beneficial to
SSRL or the synchrotron community and consists of a certificate, $1,000, and
their name added to a commemorative plaque on display in the user services
office. In addition to the formal presentation of the award by Jo Stöhr,
SSRL32 Co-chair Clyde Smith discussed the significant and wide-ranging
contributions of Stepháne's studies focused on a structure-function
understanding of isoprenoid biosynthesis in bacteria and plants utilizing the
SSRL macromolecular crystallography beam lines. The enzymes comprising the
pathway for synthesizing essential isoprenoids have been elucidated and are key
targets for the design and synthesis of a new class of anti-infective agents.
Stéphane's contributions to the rational design of such inhibitors are seminal
in that he was the first to solve the structures of three key enzymes involved
in this non-mevalonate pathway. In addition, studying the structure of Orf2
and the amino acid sequence of closely related proteins provides an
understanding of the fundamental process of molecular evolution.
Stanford-based SSRL Faculty and Users Receive Prestigious Awards
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Arthur Bienenstock and Pat Dehmer |
| |
Arthur Bienenstock, Vice Provost and Dean of Research and Graduate
Policy at
Stanford University, and former Director of SSRL, was presented with a DOE
Distinguished Associate Award by Pat Dehmer at SSRL's Annual Users' Meeting on
October 17. In addition to recognizing Artie's many accomplishments and
contributions, the plaque reads: "You have elegantly brought together diverse
ideas, peoples, and institutions to work together. You serve to remind
scientists of all ages that one person with a vision can truly make a
difference." Artie has also recently been elected vice-president of the
American Physical Society for 2006. For more on these stories see:
Pehr Harbury, Associate Professor in Biochemistry at Stanford's School of
Medicine, has been named a MacArthur Fellow, a national honor frequently called
the "genius grant".
Edward I. Solomon, the Monroe E. Spaght Professor of Chemistry in
School of Humanities and Sciences, has won the ACS Award for Distinguished
Service in the Advancement of Inorganic Chemistry.
Information Requested for Reports to SSRL Funding Agencies
SSRL submits several reports each year to the DOE and the NIH which require
current information on publications listings, invited lectures and major
awards, patents and science highlights. In the near term we will be sending out
a request for information for inclusion in our Annual NIH, NCRR/Biomedical
Technology Program (BTP) Progress Report. This information is extremely
important in presenting our scientific achievements and productivity, and thus
funding case to these agencies and we would very much appreciate your help and
support in keeping us informed of your publications, patents, awards, etc.
Beam Time Requests for X-ray/VUV Beam Lines Due December 5
Cathy Knotts, knotts@slac.stanford.edu)
X-ray/VUV Beam time requests for the second scheduling period in 2006
(February-May) need to be submitted by Monday, December 5:
The schedule for the first scheduling period which begins in several weeks will
be finalized and posted shortly: http://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/schedules/
Please note that the SPEAR operating schedule has been modified slightly to
incorporate revisions to scheduled maintenance and accelerator physics days in
2006. http://www-ssrl.slac.stanford.edu/schedules/06_run.pdf
SSRL Headlines is published electronically monthly to inform SSRL users,
sponsors and other interested people about happenings at SSRL. SSRL is a
national synchrotron user facility operated by Stanford University for the
U.S. Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy
Sciences. Additional support for
the structural biology program is provided by
the DOE
Office of Biological and Environmental Research, the NIH
National Center for Research Resources and the NIH Institute for General Medical
Sciences. Additional information about
SSRL and its operation and schedules is available from the SSRL WWW
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