Bill Colson | Naval Postgraduate School (NPS), Chairman |
Jerry Hastings | National Synchrotron Light Source (NSLS) |
Pat O'Shea | University of Maryland (UMD) |
Jörg Rossbach | Deutsches Electronen-Synchrotron (DESY) |
Ron Ruth | Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) |
Ross Schlueter | Lawrence Berkely National Laboratory (LBNL) |
Meetings of the LCLS Technical Advisory Committee (TAC)
5) December 10-11, 2001: Fifth meeting of the LCLS Technical Advisory Committee at SLAC. Agenda Talks REPORT
4) January 12-13, 2001: Fourth meeting of the LCLS Technical Advisory Committee at SLAC. Agenda REPORT
3) May 19-20, 2000: Third meeting of the LCLS Technical Advisory Committee at SLAC. Agenda REPORT
2) February 11-12, 2000: Second meeting of the LCLS Technical Advisory Committee at SLAC. Agenda REPORT
1) July 14-15, 1999: First meeting of the LCLS Technical Advisory Committee at SLAC. Agenda REPORT