External Independent Review (EIR)
Points of Contact at the
Linac Coherent Light Source

General Information: lcls@slac.stanford.edu






John Galayda Project Director (650) 926-2371 galayda@slac.stanford.edu SLAC, M/S 18
Mark Reichanadter Chief Engineer (650) 926-8583 reich@slac.stanford.edu SLAC, M/S 18
Helen O'Donnell Administrative Support (650) 926-3368 heleno@slac.stanford.edu SLAC, M/S 18
David Dowell Injector System Manager (650) 926-2494 dowell@slac.stanford.edu SLAC, M/S 18
Eric Bong Linac System Manager (650) 926-3457 bong@slac.stanford.edu SLAC, M/S 18
Steve Milton Undulator System Manager (630) 252-9101 milton@aps.anl.gov ANL*
Richard Bionta X-Ray Trans. System Manager (925) 423-4846 bionta1@llnl.gov LLNL**
John Arthur X-Ray Endst. System Manager (650) 926-3169 jarthur@slac.stanford.edu SLAC, M/S 18
Bob Dalesio Controls System Manager (650) 926-2295 ldalesio@lanl.gov SLAC, M/S 18
David Saenz Conventional Facilities Manager (650) 926-2512 saenzd@slac.stanford.edu SLAC, M/S 18
Cecile Limborg Injector System Physicist (650) 926-8685 limborg@slac.stanford.edu SLAC, M/S 18
Paul Bolton Injector System Physicist (650) 926-3650 bolton@slac.stanford.edu SLAC, M/S 18
Paul Emma Linac System Physicist (650) 926-2458 emma@slac.stanford.edu SLAC, M/S 15
Heinz-Dieter Nuhn Undulator System Physicist (650) 926-2275 nuhn@slac.stanford.edu SLAC, M/S 69
John Arthur X-ray Trans. System Physicist (650) 926-3169 jarthur@slac.stanford.edu SLAC, M/S 18
Jerry Hastings X-Ray Endst. System Physicist (650) 926-3107 jbh@slac.stanford.edu SLAC, M/S 69
Patrick Krejcik Controls System Physicist (650) 926-2790 pkr@slac.stanford.edu SLAC, M/S 18
Jim Welch Conv. Facilities System Physicist (650) 926-3165 welch@slac.stanford.edu SLAC, M/S 15
*Argonne National Laboratory
9700 Cass Avenue
Argonne, IL 60439

*Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
7000 East Avenue
Livermore, CA 94550

Stanford Linear Accelerator Center
Page Owners: Reichanadter  Nuhn