This school will provide a practical users' guide to planning and conducting scattering measurements at SSRL beam lines, and will cover important techniques including small angle scattering, thin-film scattering, powder diffraction, structure refinement and surface x-ray scattering. The school will address topics that are not commonly included in text books or class lectures, and typically obtained only through on-the-experiment training. There will be:
The school will also cover new instrumentation at SSRL scattering beam lines.
Organizing Chairs: Apurva Mehta, Kevin Stone, Chris Tassone, Hongping Yan, and Michael Toney
This school has been made possible with support from the DOE-BES.
Agenda: 2016 Agenda
Event Photos: XRS 2016 Flickr Album
Links to some of the appropriate software analysis packages are provided here for reference. Participants do not need to download or install prior to attending the school. Participants will learn which programs are appropriate for various experimental techniques and how to use them during the school.
A block of rooms have been set aside for this school, to reserve a room please use Group Code SSRLSCHO0616.
Last day to reserve a room under the group code is 21 May 2016.
Reservations can be made by phone (650) 926-2800, email or via their web site.
June 21-23, 2016
SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
2575 Sand Hill Road
Menlo Park, CA, 94025 USA
Building 53, Trinity Conference Room 1350 (32-C on map grid)
Michelle Steger
Bus: (650) 926-3011
Email: steger@SLAC.Stanford.EDU