Note: Company and product descriptions have been provided by the
vendors and do not constitute an endorsement by SSRL,
Stanford University or the Department of Energy.
707 SW 19th Avenue, Williston, FL 32696
ph: 352-528-4100
fax: 352-528-3441
A&N Corporation's line of high and ultra vacuum components includes ISO-KF/MF
(QF/LF), UHV (CF), ASA, and Tri-Seal (rated for UHV to pressure); Couplings,
Feedthroughs (Rotary, Linear, Electric, Fluid), Valves (Ball, Angle, Inline,
Gate), Chambers and Accessories, Line Heaters/Controllers, Weldable/Roughing
Components, Viewing Ports, Leak Detector Accessories, Traps, and Vacuum
Exhibitor: Jeff Vandreuil (pauld@ancorp.com) www.ancorp.com
126 Ridge Rd, PO Box 187, Lansing, NY 14882
ph: 607-533-3531
fax: 607-533-3618
ADC, Inc. manages, designs and manufactures complete front ends and beamlines,
optical tables, beam shutters, beam stops, monochromators, ion chambers, x-ray
furnaces, UHV vessels, slits, small precision jacks, spectrometers, cryogenic
systems, beam transport pipes, beryllium window assemblies, copper flair
chambers and mirror systems. Our assistance includes overall project
management, ray tracing, mechanical and instrumentation design, manufacturing,
assembly and testing, commissioning and training. To learn more about ADC
products and services, visit the website at www.adc9001.com.
Exhibitors: Alex Deyhim, Donald Swart (alex@adc9001.com)
905 Harrison St., Allentown, PA 18103
ph: 610-439-8022
fax: 610-439-1184
Advanced Research Systems, Inc. designs and manufactures the "Pneumatic drive"
DISPLEX closed cycle and the ultra low vibration HELITRAN open cycle families
of cryogenic coolers that operate in the 1.7 to 800K temperature range.
ARS integrates the cryostats providing custom interfaces, instrumentation,
vacuum shrouds, radiation shields, sample holders, temperature controllers and
vacuum systems for each cryocooler.
Exhibitor: Terry Rufer (ars@arscryo.com) www.arscryo.com
1336 Brommer St., Ste. A-8 Santa Cruz, CA 95062
ph: 831-462-2801
fax: 831-462-4418
Since 1982 our mission has been to supply scientists and engineers with the
world's most precise and versatile instruments for measuring angular position
and rotational movement. Our electrolytic tiltmeters are referenced to gravity,
the most stable datum of all, so they can be installed anywhere without shafts
or complicated fixtures. With no mechanical moving parts to break or wear out,
they deliver unrivaled performance under the most demanding conditions.
Exhibitor: Gary Holzhausen (applied@geomechanics.com) www.geomechanics.com
660 Jerusalem Rd., Scotch Plains, NJ 07076
ph: 908-233-7240
fax: 908-233-1354
Blake Industries is the Huber distributor and supplier of diffractometers,
rotary tables, slit assemblies, and Kappa Goniometers for use at the
Synchrotron or with in-house laboratory x-ray setups.
Exhibitors: David Rognlie (blake4xray@worldnet.att.net), Norman
Huber (Norman@xhuber.com)
5465 E Cheryl Pkwy., Madison WI 53711
ph: 608-276-3000
fax: 608-276-3006
Bruker AXS provides Advanced X-ray Solutions in chemistry, life sciences and
materials science. Our Lens coupled CCD systems offer large X-ray sensitive
areas in a cost efficient single module CCD design specifically for synchrotron
radiation. Bruker's Synchrotron Solutions group custom builds specialized
equipment including goniometers, beam monitors and detectors.
Exhibitors: James Philips, Eva Blanpied (info@bruker-axs.com)
BRUSH WELLMAN - Electrofusion Products
44036 S. Grimmer Blvd., Fremont, CA 94538
ph: 510-623-1500
fax: 510-623-7600
Brush Wellman - Electrofusion Products is a world leader in the fabrication of
specialized products made from Beryllium and its alloys for the scientific,
medical and commercial industries. Beryllium Products include vacuum barrier
foil, assemblies, and machined components for applications of high-energy,
synchrotron radiation and x-rays.
Exhibitors: Edgar Patenaude, Christopher K. Dorn
(electrofusion@brushwellman.com) www.beminc.com/web/bpdweb.nsf/
800 Research Pkwy., Meriden, CT 06450
ph: 203-639-2148
fax: 203-235-1347
Canberra Industries is a major supplier of Ge and Si detectors used in EXAFS
and related experiments at synchrotron facilities in the US and abroad.
Canberra single and multi-element detectors are available in both hard and soft
X-ray versions and feature very fast preamplifiers for enhanced throughput.
Canberra signal processing electronics include Computer Controlled
Amplifier-SCAs and Multichannel Analyzers employing the most advanced digital
signal processing technology.
Exhibitor: Jim Barstow, Jim Colaresi (tpattison@canberra.com) www.canberra.com
Box 15120, SE-750 15 Uppsala, Sweden
ph: +4618 480 5800
fax: +4618 555 888
Gammadata Scienta is a leading supplier of electron spectrometers for material
science research. We are focusing on ultra high resolution spectroscopy and
fast band mapping. Our product range also includes high resolution X-ray
emission spectrometers, high intensity UV-sources and other equipment for
surface science research.
Exhibitors: Robert Moberg, Tomas Wiell (robert.moberg@gammadata.se,
tomas.wiell@gammadata.se) www.gammadata.se
195 Aviation Way Suite 100, Watsonville, CA 95026-2069
ph: 831-722-9081
fax: 831-722-5491
HeatWave Labs is an engineering, design and manufacturing company that
specializes in components and assemblies for the vacuum tube and vacuum
equipment industries. Our expertise lies in the areas of thermionic cathodes
and ion emitters and guns, Ion Sources and ionizers, Ion pumps and controllers,
vacuum tube design, processing and rebuilding, specialized high purity and
refractory materials, UHV sample heating and filament products, temperature
controllers and power supplies, ceramics and vacuum assemblies and other
related products.
Exhibitors: Kim Gunther, Marc Curtis, David Sailer (dsailer@cathode.com)
1040 L'Avenida, Mountain View, CA 94043
ph: 650-964-3323
fax: 650-964-6153
The industry's largest selection of vacuum valves, flanges, fittings, and
feedthroughs is available when you need it at Huntington. Also available are a
wide assortment of roughing components including flexible hoses, traps,
thermocouple and ionization gauge tubes, sorption and jet roughing pumps.
Standard, custom, or modified UHV positioning and motion devices can be
provided to meet your special needs. Stainless steel custom chambers, tees, and
crosses are supported by a quarter of a century of experience in vacuum chamber
design and fabrication at Huntington.
Exhibitors: Ken Bertken, Ron Hooper (vacman@huntvac.com) www.huntvac.com
Jobin Yvon Inc.
3880 Park Ave., Edison, NJ 08820
ph: 732-494-8660 X328
fax: 732-548-9725
Jobin Yvon is a world leading designer and manufacturer of diffraction grating
mirrors, monochromators and spectrographs, and complete beam lines for
synchrotron use from soft X-ray to infrared.
Exhibitors: Dr. John R. Gilchrest, Christain Gawronski
(custom-gratings@jyhoriba.com) www.jyinc.com
1515 Worthington Avenue, Clairton, PA 15025 USA
ph: 415-223-4200
fax: 412-233-4275 / 800-245-1656
KJLC is a manufacturer of: standard and custom high vacuum and UHV chambers;
standard vacuum hardware and accessories; and a variety of multi-axis
manipulation stages and translators, linear/rotary motion devices and high
vacuum and UHV valves. Also featuring our line of UHV surface analysis
equipment from SPECS, including hemispherical analyzers, ion and electron
sources, X-ray sources, and a rear view LEED.
Exhibitor: Justin McCarthy (sales@lesker.com) www.lesker.com
1224 Concannon Blvd., Livermore, CA 94550
ph: 925-449-1084
fax: 925-373-1659
Located at the edge of Silicon Valley in California, Materials Data is
dedicated to the creation of superior PC tools for X-ray (powder) diffraction
automation and materials characterization. MDI's scientific and technical teams
produce new industry standards for the powder diffraction community.
Exhibitors: Quintin Johnson, Jo Johnson (mdi@materialsdata.com)
7 Stuart Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824
ph: 978-256-4512
fax: 978-250-8625
McPherson manufactures soft x-ray beamlines, grating and mirror chambers, UHV
slit and aperture systems as well as UH-VIS-IR monochromators, spectrometers,
spectroscopic equipment and high resolution turnkey systems that cover the
vacuum and soft x-ray range of the spectrum. Part of the product line is
related instrumentation such as light sources, detectors, scan controls, sample
chambers, etc.
McPherson designs, manufacturers and sells such products for 50 years.
Exhibitor: D.M. Schoeffel (dms@mcphersoninc.com) www.mcphersoninc.com
23842 Cabot Blvd., Hayward CA 94545
ph: 510-265-3500
fax: 510-887-0627
MDC, the primary supplier to National Laboratories, R&D and industrial
manufacturers worldwide, carries an extensive line of high and ultrahigh vacuum
components which are highlighted on our new technically based website, as well
as in our extensive 544-page catalog. New products for 2002 include: e-Vapr XY
Programmable Sweep Controller, MC+ Series 200mm-300mm Rectangular Valve, MC+
Series 200mm-300mm Pendulum Valve. MDC Vacuum Products Corporation is the
source for OEM, National Laboratories, semiconductor, R&D, universities, and
industrial manufacturers. MDC Vacuum Products is your source for vacuum
Insulator Seal, a division of MDC Vacuum Products Corporation, is a leader in
ceramic-to-metal joining and serves the vacuum science and industrial
communities. New products include: fiber optic feedthrough, EUV-grade
viewports, connector fitted high-voltage and high-current feedthroughs, and
50-pin D-type subminiature connectors. Call 1-800-548-9509 for a copy of our
CD-rom catalog. www.insulatorseal.com
Exhibitors: Val Robinson, Peter Grassadonia (sales@mdcvacuum.com)
1967 S. Oregon St., Yreka, CA 96097
ph: 530-842-4457
fax: 530-842-9130
Manufacturer of stainless steel vacuum components since 1962. Standard
products include: NW, ISO, ASA, CF, EVAC and Wire Seal Flanges; fittings,
viewports, liquid and electric feedthroughs and flexible hoses; crystal
monitors, sensors and feedthroughs; manual and pneumatically actuated valves;
pressure control valves; heater jackets; foreline traps; and manipulators.
Custom chambers, manifolds, feedthrough collars and baseplates can be
manufactured from customer specifications, sketches or drawings
Exhibitor: Steve Greuel (ncsales@n-c.com) www.n-c.com
220 Wood Rd., Braintree, MA 02184
ph: 781-843-5900
fax: 781-843-5945
Oxford Cryosystems is a leading manufacturer of open flow nitrogen and helium
systems for x-ray crystallography. These systems include the Cryostream cooler
and the Oxford helix. Also see Oxford Cryosystems' range of cryo accessories
and x-ray diffraction software.
Exhibitor: Liz Quackenbush (liz@oxfordcryosystems.com)
6 Pinewood Rd., Chelmsford, MA 01824
ph: 978-455-6761
fax: 978-455-6762
Oxford Danfysik is a leading supplier of synchrotron equipment around the
world, our range includes: Complete hard and soft X-ray beamlines for a variety
of applications; X-ray beamline components, including front-end components,
monochromators, cooling devices, as well as slits, shutters, masks, filters and
fluorescent screens, etc.; and Ion chambers for high quality EXAFS and general
intensity monitoring, and the Cyberstar high performance integrated
scintillation counter. In conjunction with SESO, we also supply high quality
X-ray mirrors, up to 1.5m long, and complete standard or custom systems often
including cooling, manipulation and bending mechanisms inside a UHV chamber.
and end stations to Synchrotron facilities around the world.
Danfysik, our parent company, offers the following equipment and services to
synchrotrons: Accelerator design and lattice calculation; Complete Booster
acceslerators including Pre-injectors, delivered as turn key systems; Storage
ring magnets, including magnetic design, field calculation and field mapping;
Power supplies for booster magnets and storage ring magnets; Complete beam
transfer lines including magnets, power supplies vacuum equipment and support
girders; Insertion devices, both permanent magnet based types and
electromagnets and including in-vacuum devices and Apple II type devices. The
capabilities include radiation modeling, magnetic field design and complete
field testing, shimming and documentation.
Exhibitor: Andrew Broadbent, Ian Walker
(andy.broadbent@oxford-danfysik.com) www.oxford-danfysik.com
568 Gibraltar Drive, Milpitas, CA 95035
ph: 408-956-2578
fax: 408-263-7826
Pfeiffer Vacuum, a company with over 100 years of vacuum experience, is
your single source for vacuum technologies. Pfeiffer offers a complete line of
turbomolecular pumps, dry backing and Roots pumps, rotary vane pumps, gauges,
leak detectors, residual gas analyzers, and vacuum construction components.
Exhibitors: Nick Thornberg (nick.thornburg@pfeiffer-vacuum.com)
305 Mathew St., Santa Clara, CA 95050
ph: 4089-988-8161
fax: 408-988-2206
UHV and XHV components and systems. Turbomolecular pump for
10-12 torr, oil free vacuum pumps. Vacuum hardware.
Exhibitors: Peter Dusza, Hans DeJong (eng@vacuumparts.net)
39939 Stevenson Common, G3039, Fremont, CA 94538
ph: 510-661-0579
fax: 510-661-0629
Vacuum equipment incuding maglev turbopumps from 200 L/S to 4200 L/S,
totally dry oil free diaphragm pumps for backing turbos, differential pumping
and other applications to 0.3 Torr, vacuum hardware incuding all conflate, ISO,
and KF fittings, seals, and custom made vacuum chambers for HV and UHV.
Exhibitors: Cynthia Positano, John Freeman (cpositano@aol.com)
999 Beecher Street, San Leandro, CA 94577
ph: 510-538-3304
fax: 510-538-2889
Exhibitors: Michael Ricks, Franz Witte (sales@thermionics.com)
Unit R1 Westwood Estate, Margate Kent CT9 4JL UK
ph: +44-1843-231166 u
fax: +44-1843-290310
Manufacture a range of synthetic crystals for infrared, electro optic and x-ray
detection applications. Materials include KBR, NACL, KCL, LINBO3, KTP, NAI(TL),
CSI(TL), ETC. Specialize in custom products for a variety of industrial and
scientific applications including x- and gamma ray imaging.
Exhibitor: Jim Telfer, Peter Silva (jtelfer@hilger-crystals.co.uk)
704 Mendocino Way, Redwood City, CA 94065
ph: 650-631-8199
fax: 650-631-8192
Varian Vacuum Technologies offers a complete vacuum solution for any
application. Product lines include: Ion pumps, turbomolecular pumps, dry
roughing pumps, gauging, hardware, leak detectors, and custom pumping systems.
Varian also offers a variety of training courses to suit the need and expertise
level of all vacuum users.
Exhibitor: Bill Waters (bill.waters@varianinc.com) www.varianinc.com
8450 Central Ave., Newark, CA 94560
ph: 510-494-9020
fax: 510-494-9040
X-ray Instrumentation Associates develops and sells advanced components for
x-ray experimentation. Our line of high speed digital x-ray processing modules
for Ge or Si(Li) array detectors can handle output rates in excess of 700,000
cps. We also offer a compact, inexpensive, serially controlled stepper motor
drive for Huber slits, an in-hutch shutter/filter set with controller, and a
differential pump with molecular beam suppression.
Exhibitors: Dr. William K. Warburton, Mark Daly (sales@xia.com) www.xia.com