Dear Colleague:
We are inviting all scientists with interest in phenomena occurring on the nanometer scale and their dynamics to participate at the workshop. Please feel free to distribute this invitation to your colleagues who may not have heard of this workshop directly.
If you are interested in giving a presentation at the workshop, please submit a short abstract via email to Jan Luning at An email confirming receipt of your abstract will be sent out within a few days of your submittal. If you do not receive this confirmation, please feel free to inquire further or send the abstract again.
General information:
Only in the very recent past has the coherence of soft x-rays been exploited
experimentally. Subsequently, speckle images reflecting surface and magnetic
structure on nanometer length scale, time correlation spectroscopy resolving
nanometer fluctuations, and image reconstruction have been reported.
In connection with the 27th Users' Meeting of the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, Steve Kevan and Jan Luning are organizing a workshop entitled Soft X-Ray Speckles: Nanoscale Dynamics in Liquids and Solids. The goal of the workshop will be to summarize recent achievements, exchange experiences, and discuss future developments and experimental needs in this area.
Immediately following the ALS Users' Meeting (Oct. 16-17) and preceeding the SSRL Users' Meeting (Oct. 19-20), the workshop will take place on Wednesday, October 18, 2000, in the SLAC Training Center.
The preliminary program of the workshop can be found at:
There, you will also find a link to the program of the SSRL Users' Meeting and the other workshops taking place in conjunction with it. A summary of each workshop will be presented on the second day of the Users' Meeting.
The Speckle workshop will open with two tutorials about coherence of synchrotron-based soft x-ray sources and incoherent/coherent scattering, followed by talks presenting scientific challenges in strongly correlated electron systems, soft matter, and magnetism, which might be addressed using coherent scattering of soft x-rays. In the afternoon experiments that have made use of the coherence of soft x-rays will be reported, covering the interpretation of speckle images, correlation spectroscopy and image reconstruction. In the concluding session of the workshop contributed papers will be presented.
To register please visit the workshop registration web page:
For further information or any other questions, please contact Steve Kevan ( or Jan Luning (
We look forward to welcoming you at the workshop.
With best regards,
Steve Kevan and Jan Luning