Wednesday, October 21
8:00 Continental breakfast
8:30 Overview of synchrotron powder
- Apurva Mehta (SSRL)
8:45 Synchrotron powder diffractometers,
design and instrumentation
- Dave Cox (NSLS)
9:30 Sample Preparation and data
collection strategies
- Richard Harlow (E.I Dupont de Nemours & Co.)
10:15 Coffee Break
10:35 Use of area detectors in powder
- Poul Norby (U. of Aarhus)
11:20 Understanding profile shapes
and extracting integrated peak intensities
- Larry Finger (Geophysical Lab)
12:05 Lunch
1:15 Tour of SSRL beamlines 2-1 and 7-2
2:00 Structure determination
I : Finding starting structures
- Damodara Poojary (Symyx Technologies)
2:45 Structure determination
II : refinement + analysis of the quality of refined structure
- Bob Von Dreele (LANL)
3:30 Coffee Break
3:50 How to determine
disordered structures from synchrotron powder data?
-Robert Dinnebier (U. of Bayreuth)
4:35 Structural disorder
and the diffraction background (20 min)
- Angus Lawson (LANL)
4:55 Anomalous scattering
by self-intermetallic compounds (20 min)
- Angus Lawson (LANL)
5:15 Discussion and Conclusions