25th Annual SSRL Users' Conference
Expanded Student Poster Awards

Users are invited to display posters highlighting research activities conducted over the past year at SSRL. The posters will be displayed throughout the conference and will be highlighted during a wine and cheese reception on Monday afternoon, October 19.

Graduate students may compete for prizes in four scientific categories:

The SSRL Users’ Executive Committee will judge the posters.

¨ Poster abstracts must be received by September 15, 1998.

*Abstracts should be sent to:     Diana Viera, SSRL, MS 99, PO Box 4349, Stanford CA 94309-0210
                                              or viera@ssrl.slac.stanford.edu


Instructions for Preparation and Presentation of Posters

In a poster session there is no oral presentation of papers as in a conventional paper session. Instead, each author will be assigned a 48" X 48" foam board on which diagrams, graphs, data, pictures and a small amount of text may be mounted. The foam board will be mounted on an easel. Each author will be expected to remain with his poster presentation throughout the 90-minute poster session on Monday afternoon.


The poster session will be held outdoors beneath a large canopy. The canopy will be enclosed if there is inclement weather. It will be located just steps away from the main auditorium and the vendor display area. Your presentation will be assigned a poster number that will correspond to the easel where you will display your poster material. Your poster number will be available when you check-in with the conference organizers on Monday morning.


You may set up your poster as early as 8:00 a.m. Monday morning. All authors are expected to remain with their presentations on Monday from 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. The posters may remain set up throughout the conference but will be unattended. Authors are responsible for retrieving their posters at the conclusion of the conference.


Your poster materials will be displayed on a 48" X 48" white foam board. You will be provided with thumbtacks to mount your papers to the board. No audiovisual equipment will be supplied. It is suggested that poster authors make preprints of their papers available to participants.


Abstracts should be typed in Times Roman with 1" margins (top, sides, and bottom). The title should be centered, 14 pt, all caps in bold print with the authors listed single-spaced, centered, in 11 pt, with the poster presented underlined. The text should be 11 pt, 1.5 line spacing and the references single-spaced. Posters to be considered for Student Awards should have "Graduate Student Poster" and category of science (material science, environmental science, protein crystallography or biological spectroscopy) in the lower right-hand corner.


It is suggested that the posters be prepared so that they can be easily understood even in the absence of the author(s). The content of each poster should be clearly divided into sections including introduction, problem definition (or aim of work), work summary, results, and conclusions.

General guidelines for preparation of the posters:

  1. Legibility: The poster should be readable from a distance of at least 5 feet. Suggested sizes include: minimum graph size 25 cm (10"), section heading letters 2 cm (3/4"), and text and figure lettering not less than 1 cm (3/8").
  2. Heading: A heading label should be supplied by the authors which includes the paper title, author name(s), and at least the primary author(s) address. The recommended lettering size is 3 cm (1-3/16"). This should be mounted at the top of the poster board.
  3. Titles: All figures and tables should be titled. The sizes, format and number of the posters (beyond the heading) are left up to the discretion of the authors.
  4. Dimensions: The size of the poster is limited to the dimension of the poster board which we will supply -- 48" X 48".