Call for Proposals for the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory

* X-ray/VUV proposals are due May 1
** Macromolecular Crystallography proposals are due April 1 and July 1

Due to the installation and commissioning of SPEAR3 (April 2003-January 2004), the schedule for proposal submissions has been adjusted slightly. Please note that we will not be soliciting proposals as usual for the November (X-Ray/VUV) and December (MX) deadlines. Users have the following opportunities to submit proposals during the next year:

  • Macromolecular Crystallography proposals due April 1, 2002 (eligible for beam time June 2002-May 2005) 
  • X-Ray/VUV proposals due May 1, 2002 (eligible for beam time November 2002-July 2005) 
  • Macromolecular Crystallography proposals due July 1, 2002 (eligible for beam time November 2002-July 2005)
 NOTE: Proposal lifetimes have been extended by an additional year to bridge the SPEAR3 shutdown.

An abbreviated shutdown schedule follows. Additional information on SPEAR3 upgrade activities can be found in our monthly electronic newsletter, SSRL Headlines, and at the SSRL website

  • April 2003 - shutdown SPEAR2 and all beam lines; installation of SPEAR3 begins
  • October 2003 - complete SPEAR3 installation; startup phase 
  • January 2004 - commissioning SPEAR3; activities resume on most beam lines 

*Proposals for X-Ray/VUV beam time are due May 1, 2002

Proposals submitted by this date will be rated in August and eligible for beam time beginning in November 2002. Proposals are peer reviewed and rated on the basis of scientific and technological merit by the SSRL Proposal Review Panel. Proposals must be submitted on the appropriate forms in the required format and be no more than 5 pages in length. Particular attention must be paid to safety concerns. Please refer to the SSRL Proposal Submittal and Scheduling Procedures for more information on submitting proposals for X-Ray/VUV beam time. Proposals not following these guidelines will be returned unprocessed. Proposals should be submitted electronically to Michelle Steger at:

Additional mechanisms for obtaining X-Ray/VUV beam time at SSRL include:

  • Rapid Turnaround XAS: This program is designed to accommodate straightforward XAS experiments that require only small amounts of beam time.
  • Letters of Intent: SSRL accepts letter of intent proposal for particularly novel ideas throughout the year.

**Proposals for Macromolecular Crystallography Beam Time are due April 1, 2002 or July 1, 2002 

Proposals submitted by April 1 will be rated later in April and eligible for beam time beginning in June 2002. Proposals submitted by July 1 will be rated in August and eligible for beam time beginning in November 2002. Proposals should be submitted electronically to Lisa Dunn at:  Additional information on Macromolecular Crystallography proposals can be found in the SSRL Proposal Submittal and Scheduling Procedures guidelines. 

Last Updated: 8 FEB  2002
Content Owner: C. Knotts
Page Editor: L. Dunn