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BESAC Panel on Novel, Coherent Light Sources

The Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee (BESAC) commissioned a panel to study and report on scientific opportunities and technical challenges for novel, coherent light sources. The chair of this panel is Dr. Stephen R. Leone of the University of Colorado/JILA and the National Institute of Standards and Technology.  The charge letter to the panel from Dr. Geraldine L. Richmond, chair of BESAC, provides specific instructions on the purpose and objectives of the study.   A list of the 16 panelists is available.  A list of the 7 liaisons to the panel, who were appointed by the DOE laboratories with an interest in novel light sources, is also available. The laboratory liaisons coordinated their laboratory's presentation to the panel and provided a single point of contact between the panel and their laboratory.

Most of the work of the panel was conducted at a meeting held January 19-21, 1999, at the Gaithersburg Hilton in Gaithersburg, Maryland.  The DOE laboratories made presentations to the panel on their vision for future light sources and on the scientific impacts of such sources.  In addition, several other speakers were invited to present information on the development of table-top light sources and on potential scientific advances. The presentation sessions were open to the public; however, the panel discussion sessions were closed.  The agenda for the meeting is also available.

Report of the Basic Energy Sciences Advisory Committee Panel on Novel Coherent Light Sources (January 1999; 47 pages). This report summarizes the findings and recommendations of the BESAC subpanel for the development of future light sources that might become user facilities;  for development of smaller scale laser-based sources for innovative scientific experimentation and integration with large scale facilities; and  for a series of steps to be undertaken towards a future light source aimed at novel, hard X-ray science.
pdficonsmall.gif (153 bytes) Click here to download the 146-kilobyte Postscript Data Formatted (PDF) file of the the above report.  This file can be read after downloading Adobe Acrobat Reader, free software.

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